The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) will undermine everything we are doing to build food sovereignty. This is why CAGJ is working closely with 350 Seattle and Washington Fair Trade Coalition to stop the TPP. We need to keep the pressure on if we are going to continue to prevent Obama from bringing the TPP to […]
Category Archives: Trade Justice Blog Posts
Donate in May to help CAGJ earn $5,000 Matching Grant!
Sign-up/Renew your CAGJ Membership in May, and your gift will be DOUBLED Every year in the Spring we rally our community to support CAGJ by pledging money or time. In celebration of CAGJ’s 15th anniversary, your membership gift to CAGJ in May will go twice as far, helping us hire a second organizer to confront […]
Berta Cáceres, Presente!
It is with a heavy heart that we share the devastating news of the assassination last night of Berta Cáceres, Honduran indigenous leader and winner of the 2015 Goldman Prize and Romero Prize. CAGJ hosted part of her visit to Seattle in November, with Miriam Miranda, whose organization, Honduran Black Fraternal Organization (OFRANEH), won the […]
TUES 3/1: CAGJ Presents: Another Food System is Possible! But not with the TPP!
TUES March 1st, 6:30 – 9:00pm CAGJ Presents: Another Food System is Possible! But not with the TPP! What you need to know about how new trade agreements undermine efforts to build a good food movement. Location: WA State Labor Council – 321 16th Ave S, Seattle WA 98144 Please RSVP & help publicize on […]
New CAGJ Webinar: “Linking Food Justice to Trade Policy”
Community Alliance for Global Justice is excited to announce a new trade justice resource! Webinar: “Linking Food Justice to Trade Policy” A 30 min. webinar (on you-tube) about how food justice and food sovereignty are threatened by new (so-called) free-trade agreements, the TPP/Trans-Pacific Partnership, and TTIP/Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Overview Background: -About Food Sovereignty […]
From the WTO to the Cop21: People’s Movements Demand Justice
Blog post by Food Justice Project Co-Chair Chris Iberle, and Director Heather Day
Give Fair Trade & Local Gifts this Season!
CAGJ’s Annual Fundraiser: Fair Trade for the Holidays! Support food sovereignty here and around the world by choosing our gifts which are all locally and fairly made. Support CAGJ, Support Local Farmers, Fisherfolk and Artists and Support Fair Trade! All proceeds go directly to CAGJ! Available this year: All gifts can be ordered online. Nikki […]
PRESS RELEASE: TPP puts investors first but pushes aside workers, consumers and the environment
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Monday, November 5, 2015 Contact: Gillian Locascio, 206.227.3079, [email protected], Stan Sorscher, 206.255.4393, [email protected] Seattle, WA – After six years of secret negotiations, today the public has its first look at official text for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a 12-country deal that would set the terms for globalization for the next generation. The […]
CAGJ participates in US Food Sovereignty Alliance Assembly and Prize in Iowa
On October 12 – 15, 2015 CAGJ’s Director Heather Day and members Ross Kirshenbaum, Jenny McIntosh and Emma Shorr traveled to Iowa to participate in the 3rd national Assembly of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance, and to witness the Food Sovereignty Prize being awarded to the Federation of Southern Cooperatives and Black Fraternal Organization of […]
10/27: “Climate, Food and Race: Challenges for the Food Movement” – UW Talk by Eric Holt-Giménez, Director of Food First
Tuesday October 27, 7 – 9pm CAGJ Presents: “Climate, Food and Race: Challenges for the Food Movement” Talk given by Eric Holt-Giménez, Director of Food First/The Institute for Food and Development Policy Got Green? will speak about statewide organizing for climate justice in partnership with Communities of Color for Climate Justice!