TUES March 1st, 6:30 – 9:00pm
CAGJ Presents: Another Food System is Possible! But not with the TPP!
What you need to know about how new trade agreements undermine efforts to build a good food movement.
Location: WA State Labor Council – 321 16th Ave S, Seattle WA 98144
Please RSVP & help publicize on Facebook! FREE & food provided.
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is due to come up for a vote in Congress soon. Come to learn everything you need to know about why the TPP must be stopped if we want to keep building a better food system for all. We are all affected! As local Farmers, Workers and Eaters concerned about equitable access, food safety and GMO labeling.
Michael Righi – CAGJ: How the TPP undermines food sovereignty
Kristen Beifus – UFCW 21: Your right to know about your food & the TPP
Selden Prentice – 350 Seattle : How the TPP allows corporations to sue governments for potential lost profit
Gillian Locasio – WA Fair Trade Coalition: How we can defeat the TPP
How does the Trans-Pacific Partnership potentially impact:
-Climate Justice with Got Green?
-Farmworkers’ rights with Edgar Franks, Community to Community
-Help prepare for future TPP actions: Make signs, props and banners!
….and more!
Co-Sponsored by 350 Seattle, Got Green?, UFCW Local 21, WA Fair Trade Coalition and WA State Labor Council. For more info, contact Community Alliance for Global Justice, 206-405-4600