Food Justice Project

food_justiceThrough community education, political action, anti-oppressive organizing and community-building, the Food Justice Project seeks to challenge and transform the globalized, industrial, corporate-driven food system and promote existing alternatives.

Food Justice Project meetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:30 - 8:30pm Pacific Time on Zoom. Contact [email protected] for more info.

New to the Food Justice Project?
Volunteer orientations are held from 6pm-6:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, right before Food Justice Project (FJP) meetings. Come to learn more about the Food Justice Project, our current campaigns, and ways you can get involved. The 6:30pm FJP meeting directly after gives you an opportunity to meet current organizers and get involved straight away!

Please RSVP to a future orientation by emailing us first at [email protected].

What We Do

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Community-based workshops and "teach-outs" educating people on food justice & sovereignty issues and encouraging people to take action.

"Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice" is CAGJ's educational book in two editions, with recipes, how-to, and essays on food politics, justice, and sovereignty. A great teaching resource!

imageSolidarity Campaigns

Mobilizing our members and the public for a fair food system.
Take action to support these campaigns and food sovereignty everywhere!

We organize and support campaigns in solidarity with local family farmers and food producers, farmworkers, for the right to good food, food chain workers, and food justice globally!

Subscribe to our FJP listserv (in box below) and get meeting & event announcements, and a few food justice resources/articles from around the region and around the world (1-2 posts a week)!

Still need to know more? Check out this YouTube video slideshow about Food Justice Project Teach-Outs and CAGJ's publication, "Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice"

Recent updates and actions:

Victory against GE Salmon! CAGJ Photo Album

This month (Feburary 2025) CAGJ celebrated a huge historic win with representatives of the many organizations who collectively stopped genetically engineered salmon! The company who attempted to manufacture the frankenfish, AquaBounty, is closing its operation. The battle against GE salmon was waged for over three decades – from 1994-2025! We want to honor all of the groups (past and present) that CAGJ is proud to have collaborated with, using a huge diversity of tactics, starting with Friends of the Earth and then inspired by Valerie Segret to stand with Northwest Tribal Fishermen in this struggle.

We honor indigenous leadership in this fight, working with these and other bodies: Muckleshoot Food Sovereignty Project, Muckleshoot Tribe, Alaska Big Village Network, Alaska Inter-Tribal Council and Quinault Indian Nation. In addition we stand with American Antivivisection Society, BlockCorporateSalmon, Canadian Biotechnology Action Network, Center for Food Safety, Center for Water Advocacy, Consumers Reports, Earthjustice, Food and Water Watch, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, Living Ocean Society, NAMA, Vigilance OGM, Wild Salmon Nation and Williams County Alliance in Ohio.

See CBAN’s action gallery, celebrating resistance to the GM Salmon in Canada! Learn more about CAGJ’s campaign in solidarity with Northwest Tribes against GE salmon (click here and here). Watch our short film, Salmon People.

2017 Action urging Costco to Reject GMO Salmon

2017 Wild Salmon Cook-Out

2019 “Salmon People” Film Screening and Discussion

2020 Actions with Block Corporate Salmon

2022 GE Salmon Protest at Pike’s Place Market

2023 Art & Activism Series to Protect Native Salmon

2023 Farm Aid with Block Corporate Salmon and AquaBounty Protest