CAGJ invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with our local foodshed through visits to farms, community kitchens, community gardens, and other projects for food justice. The site visits include hands-on work that is needed by the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action!
Through Teach-Outs, CAGJ members and supporters gain a grounded understanding of how people are reclaiming the food system and rebuilding a local food economy. We aim to facilitate a place for the voices of our local food producers to be heard, and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated.
None currently scheduled. If you are with an organization that would like to host a Teach-Out, please get in touch with us at [email protected] or call the CAGJ office: (206) 405-4600.
September 24: Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad
May 21: Urban Hike-a-Thon for Food Justice
July 31: Cooperative Tierra y Libertad
August 24: Clean Greens Farm
May 20: Kamayan Farm
July 29: Mother Earth Farm
August 13: Hilltop Urban Gardens
September 9: Familias Unidas por la Justicia & C2C
June 28: Rainier Urban Beach Farm
October 19: Duwamish River
June 1: Greenbank Farms & Good Cheer Food Bank
August 18: Viva Farms
April 28: Food Justice Urban Hike-a-thon
January 22: Central Co-op/Madison Market Read an account!
April 24: Cascadian Edible Landscapes Read an account!
May 15: Spring into Bed/Seattle Youth Garden works
August 20: Clean Green Farm Read an account!
October 22: Tacoma HUG (Hilltop Urban Gardens) Read an account!
May 8: Spring Into Bed Read an account!
June 19: Clean Greens Farm
The Black Dollar Days Task Force developed Clean Greens in response to the under-representation of African Americans among the ranks of those farming in Washington, as well as the lack of foods relevant to the African American as well as African immigrant food cultures locally. Operating on 22 acres, Clean Greens produces chemical-free, organic food for inner city residents. Read report here.
July 31: Refugee Farming Project in Auburn (now known as Seattle Tilth Farm Works)
This project is in its second year as an initiative of Burst for Prosperity. The purpose is to give local refugees a means to develop their own financial security, build assets, and further connect with their larger community. Read Teach-Out report here.
August 22: Laughing Crow Farm and Bainbridge Island Vineyard and Winery in conjunction with Friends of the Farms (formerly the Trust for Working Landscapes). Read an account.
October 24: Alleycat Acres
An experiment in urban agriculture, Alleycat Acres seeks to grant food sovereignty back to the communities where the gardens are located, to empower community members to repossess control over what they eat, and to get first hand experience the land around them. Read an account!
November 13: GroundUP Organics, C4C
GroundUP Organics is a flagship program of the larger, city-sponsored program Creatives4Community, or C4C. Both C4C and GroundUp Organics work to develop and train youth and young-adults in areas of urban ecology, green business and product management, civics and community within a broad cultural, ethnic, and historical context.
December 1: Rainier Community Kitchen
May 30: Marra Farm
June 27: Danny Woo Garden & UmojaFEST Peace Center
The Danny Woo International District Community Garden is a special urban park in the heart of downtown Seattle, and the largest green space in the Chinatown/International District. The 1.5-acre garden provides community gardening space, picnic benches, public art, and walking trails.
The UmojaFest P.E.A.C.E. Center is a multi-purpose youth centered cultural facility in the heart of Seattle’s historic Central District. The mission of the center is to inspire and empower youth through Positive Education, Art, Culture & Enterprise (P.E.A.C.E.) from our African-American and Central Seattle roots. The memorial peace garden recognizes the toll that violence has taken on our community while promoting harmonious sustainable living and community building through maintaining a neighborhood organic garden.
Read an account
July 25: UW Farm, Loki Fish
Read a report
August 22:- Jubilee Farm, Local Roots Farm
Read a report
September 5: Island Meadow Farm, K-Jo Farm, Plum Forest Farm
October 24: Clean Greens Farm
The Black Dollar Days Task Force developed Clean Greens in response to the under-representation of African Americans among the ranks of those farming in Washington, as well as the lack of foods relevant to the African American as well as African immigrant food cultures locally. Operating on 22 acres, Clean Greens produces chemical-free, organic food for inner city residents
Read a report
November 25: FEEST