
Whether for preparing a talk, fact-checking, preparation for an interview, or for a term paper, community activists and researchers often need ready resources to rely on without having to start from scratch. Below find resources from allied organizations and the media that shed some light on the interventions by the Gates Foundation and AGRA into African agriculture and the struggle of African farmers and community organizations to promote their own solutions.

Find resources by AGRA Watch on the AGRA Watch Media page.



Food Sovereignty

Development & African History

Critiques of Philanthropy

International Organizations’ Reports

  • United Nations Special Rapporteur Olivier De Schutter:

The Transformative Potential of the Right to Food (2014).

Interim report of the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food (August 7, 2013).

Film List

  • Seeds of Sovereignty: Co-produced by The Gaia Foundation and the African Biodiversity Network in collaboration with GRAIN and MELCA Ethiopia. 2014. 36 minutes.
  • Sweet Crude: A film by Sandy Cioffi. 2009. 93 minutes.
  • Black Gold: A film by Nick and Marc Francis. 2006. 78 minutes.
  • We Feed the World: A film by Erwin Wagenhofer. 2005. 96 minutes.
  • Darwin’s Nightmare: A film by Hubert Sauper. 2004. 107 minutes.
  • Faat Kine: A film by Ousmane Sembene. 2001. 121 minutes.