“CAGJ has the vision and does the hard work to make connections between global issues and local communities working for justice and democracy. Central Co-op’s Madison Market is proud to work with CAGJ as one of our community partners.”
– Webster Walker, Central Co-op
“The amazing thing about CAGJ is the way it serves as both an effective rallying place and a warm community space for all who care about social justice. CAGJ brings people together to fight the good fight and have fun doing it!”
– Marina Skumanich, WA Fair Trade Coalition
“In my view the CAGJ and its leadership are doing a superb job of raising awareness about the roots of social and economic inequities and are providing meaningful opportunities for people to become involved in the work that needs to be done to begin to resolve these injustices.”
– Erick Haakenson, Jubilee Farm
“CAGJ’s importance lies in its educational outreach to members of Seattle’s community about critical food economy topics unfolding at the local, national and transnational scales.”
– Lucy Jarosz, UW Geography
“CAGJ is proof that the spirit of the Seattle WTO protests live on; it is courageous, compassionate, critical and community-driven. If we are able to achieve social justice in the twenty-first century, it’ll be because of the practical leadership of groups like CAGJ.”
– Raj Patel, Author, Stuffed & Starved
“CAGJ has been an effective force in bringing together social justice advocates, sustainable business, and food system-focused organizations to learn and identify solutions for real world change.”
– Erin MacDougall, King County Public Health, IATP Food and Society Fellow
“CAGJ’s magic is in seeing the possibilities for collaborative work, using creativity to convey the message, and welcoming the abundance that they encounter. “
–Judy Piggot
“CAGJ connects our local actions to the global impact…a necessary connection if we are truly going to change the world. Thanks CAGJ!”
– Sue McGann, Marra Farm & Lettuce Link
“CAGJ is the driving force connecting the local food movement & food justice issues. As a young, small-scale farmer, I am thankful for their activism! I loved hosting the Food Justice Project Teach Out! event last summer; it was a great way to connect eaters with food sources, learning more about how food is produced & understanding both the magic & obstacles that go into shepherding the seed, or egg, or embryo, into beautiful, fresh food. Is it possible for us to feed the world, fairly & justly? CAGJ gives me faith we will.”
–Chandler Briggs, Island Meadow Farm
“CAGJ is willing to take on significant organizing challenges and be successful. They are a fun group to work with and maintain relevance in the community by their openness which is exemplified best by how easy it is to have human-human conversations. Too many globally-oriented connections are irrelevant in their local communities and too many locally-oriented groups are not connected to global networks … CAGJ holds the social justice space in the Seattle-area very firmly, is well connected to activism around the globe, and does a great job of linking the local issues with the global issues.”
– Derek Hoshiko, Seattle Good Business Network