CAGJ Presents: “Climate, Food and Race: Challenges for the Food Movement”
Talk given by Eric Holt-Giménez, Director of Food First/The Institute for Food and Development Policy
Got Green? will speak about statewide organizing for climate justice in partnership with Communities of Color for Climate Justice!
Location: UW Campus, Architecture Hall (map). FREE, no RSVP needed.
CAGJ aims to raise awareness about the connections between climate justice and food sovereignty. We are pleased that Eric Holt-Giménez will speak on this topic as part of a Northwest tour to mark Food First’s 40th birthday, coordinated by CAGJ.
About Eric’s talk: “Global warming has become the largest single threat to health, community well-being and the environment, worldwide. Mass migrations, famine, and conflict over food and water access and the concomitant spread of chronic and communicable disease are already underway. The disastrous effects of climate change fall hardest on low-income communities and people of color, in the US and around the world. “Climate victims” are linked by the critically high levels of vulnerability; the result of historical (and recent) processes of dispossession, exploitation and oppression. Our modern food system is at the center of both the causes and effects of climate change. Pathways to community climate resilience and the reversal of global warming pass through the multiple challenges of capitalism, racism—and food.”
Sponsored by Community Alliance for Global Justice and University of Washington: Anthropology, CHID, Geography, Landscape Architecture, Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Program on the Environment, School of Public Health Nutritional Sciences Program and Urban Design and Planning.
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For more information, please contact CAGJ. Office: 206-405-4600
Will this be streamed online? I’d like to watch and share this with my peers in the University of Utah’s praxis lab, “Local Food an the Human Diet.”
There is no plan to stream online, but we will look into whether that would be possible. It will defeinitely be filmed, and uploaded to Youtube though!