FREE EVENT, 6:30 – 8:30 PM: AGRA Watch presents Fatou Batta, Groundswell International Co-coordinator for West Africa and member of the Strategic Steering Committee of the We Are the Solution! Campaign Location: University Friends Meeting, 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle 98105, link to map here Please join us for an exciting evening with Fatou Batta […]
Category Archives: Trade Justice Blog Posts
Roots of Recent Uprisings, by Reid Mukai, CAGJ Co-Chair
Mainstream coverage of the Egyptian uprising depicts protests dominated by youth– organizing using Facebook and Twitter—that caused the fall of Mubarak. Sometimes the tragic case of Mohamed Bouazizi is referenced. He was the 26-year-old Tunisian whose self-immolation in protest of constant police harassment and humiliation led to the uprisings in Tunisia that soon spread to […]
March 1: Dan Imhoff on Why the Farm Bill matters and what we can do about it!
Come hear nationally renowned author, researcher, publisher and farmer Dan Imhoff speak about the 2012 Farm Bill. Dan Imhoff is the author of two important books: CAFO: The Tragedy of Industrial Animal Factories and Food Fight: The Citizen’s Guide to a Food and Farm Bill. Tuesday, March 1, 7-9 pm Location: Architecture Hall, University of […]
Making Hay is as Messy as Making Sausages: Deregulating GE Alfalfa
Making Hay is as Messy as Making Sausages: Deregulating GE Alfalfa By Phil Bereano Phil Bereano is a co-founder of AGRA Watch and also of the Washington Biotechnology Action Council; he has been active on issues of biotech policy since the early 1980s, locally, nationally and internationally. At the end of January, the Animal and […]
La Vía Campesina Declaration in Cancun
La Via Campesina’s statement on the COP16 meetings in Cancun No to market-based business deals proposed by the governments of industrialized countries and transnational corporations, the thousands of solutions to the climate crisis are in the hands of the people The members of La Vía Campesina, coming from 29 Mexican states and 36 countries from […]
Act Now or Kiss Your Organics Goodbye!
“After years of bureaucratic wrangling, Secretary Vilsack and the Obama administration are only days away from approving Monsanto’s genetically modified (GMO) alfalfa. If approved, GMO alfalfa will fundamentally undermine the entire organic industry overnight. In addition, the USDA says American consumers don’t care about the contamination of organics. Please join us in calling on Secretary […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE From Seattle to Cancun: International Coalition Calls on Gates Foundation for Real Solutions to Hunger and Climate Change December 7th, 2010 Contact: Janae Choquette, AGRA Watch, (425) 218-2213, [email protected] Anne Maina, African Biodiversity Network, (+52) 998 188 7412, [email protected] Seattle, WA – Today as thousands march in Cancun for climate justice, Seattle-based […]
CAGJ Member’s Reflections on 2010 Community Food Security Conference
Aubrey Jenkins: I had the opportunity to visit & volunteer at ‘Our School at Blair Grocery’ – one of the most innovative and inspiring home-schooling/after-school program I have ever heard about. Young farmers started the project interested in teaching sustainable agricultural skills to youth. Surrounded by abandoned homes and properties, a dilapidated grocery store in […]
Trade Justice at NW Chocolate Festival Oct 23 & 24!
Northwest Chocolate Festival Seattle Center Northwest Rooms October 23rd and 24th! All day admission $12.50 or e-mail [email protected] to volunteer and get in free! Chocolate Festival Trade Justice Line Up Saturday Tree to Bean to Cup: Wake Up with Coffee and Chocolate (10am) The parallels between cacao and coffee are endless – both artfully […]
CAGJ-U.S. Social Forum Report-Back, Wed 8/25
CAGJ-U.S. Social Forum Report-Back Wed August 25th, 6:30-9:00pm Location: Hidmo Eritrean Restaurant (20th & Jackson in Central District, 2000 S. Jackson St.) Six of CAGJ’s members who traveled to Detroit in June for the US Social Forum will share their experiences and highlight the critical national organizing strategies they encountered in areas of food justice, food […]