FREE EVENT, 6:30 – 8:30 PM: AGRA Watch presents Fatou Batta, Groundswell International Co-coordinator for West Africa and member of the Strategic Steering Committee of the We Are the Solution! Campaign
Location: University Friends Meeting, 4001 9th Ave NE, Seattle 98105, link to map here
Please join us for an exciting evening with Fatou Batta exploring Food Sovereignty in Africa. Fatou is from Burkina Faso and as West Africa director of Groundswell International has documented rural women’s traditional agro-ecological knowledge. She is also active in the “We are the Solution! Celebrating African Family Farming” campaign of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA). This campaign is led by 12 women’s farmers organizations in Africa who assume leadership in the international campaign to build alternatives to the “Green Revolution” in Africa while carrying out village level activities for food sovereignty.
Batta will be joined by Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Senior Scientist with Pesticide Action Network North America Regional Center (PANNA), and co-author of an important recent United Nations global survey of agriculture and poverty, the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD).
The evening will be moderated by Bill Aal, Co-Chair of AGRA Watch, a campaign led by CAGJ to work in solidarity with the We Are the Solution! campaign and others in Africa to urge the Gates Foundation to cease funding a new “Green revolution” and instead fund small-scale alternatives.
Event Co-sponsored by Central Co-op, Creatives 4 Community/GroundUP, EcoPraxis, HUG – Hilltop Urban Gardens, Just Garden, Lettuce Link/Solid Ground, Seattle Tilth, Slow Food Seattle, Sustainable Ballard, Tools for Change, Village Volunteers, WA Fair Trade Coalition and Witness for Peace Northwest
For more info, please contact [email protected] or call CAGJ: 206-405-4600