Robyn Greenfield (left) with Simone Adler (right) at the WTO+20 art action on November 30, 2019. SHARE THIS MEME ON SOCIAL MEDIA!
Dear CAGJ supporters,
My name is Robyn, and I’m Co-Chair of CAGJ’s Food Justice Project. By participating in CAGJ’s strategic planning and visioning process, I’ve seen first-hand how our members are committed to making CAGJ an organization that adapts and evolves in the face of growing global crises while staying true to our vision of food sovereignty, climate justice, and workers rights. Will you join me in making a year-end gift to support CAGJ’s vision in 2020?
In my day-job, I’m fortunate to work with immigrants and refugee gardeners, who are keeping their cultural food traditions alive by saving seeds and growing produce for their communities. I’m always amazed when gardeners show me squash seeds from Laos that they grow and share with their fellow gardeners across Seattle. On one hand, it’s a tradition that has existed for as long as humanity has grown food. On the other hand, seed saving is deeply politicized in a time when four agribusiness corporations control more than 60% of the global seed market.

CAGJ Members (including Robyn Greenfield) with the Nderitu family of Grow Biointensive Agriculture Centre of Kenya (G-BIACK) at our community potluck in October 2019.
I was reminded of the radical nature of seed saving at the community potluck and presentation by Samuel and Peris Nderitu of G-BIACK (Grow Biointensive Agriculture Centre of Kenya) hosted by CAGJ earlier this Fall. It was deeply moving to learn about G-BIACK’s seed bank where they save indigenous seeds and share those skills and knowledge through their farmer training program. This work is critical in the face of criminalization of seed saving in Africa; a result of the influence of neocolonial policies pushed by the Gates Foundation and multinational corporations.
Make a donation to CAGJ today to help promote seed sovereignty!
By connecting the Nderitu family with people of color-led food and farming projects here in Seattle, CAGJ bridges the complexity of global struggles for justice with those in our own region, such as green jobs with livable wages, sovereignty for farmworkers, and land access.
In 2019, CAGJ lifted up food sovereignty solutions by organizing a Teach-Out with Clean Greens Farm & Market, marching in solidarity with farmworkers, hosting G-BIACK and Million Belay of the African Food Sovereignty Alliance in Seattle, and much more.
Can you help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 and bringing in 20 new Monthly Sustainers at $20/month to start 2020 strong?
In solidarity,
Robyn Greenfield
Food Justice Project Co-Chair