You have options!
- Donate directly to CAGJ
- Donate via GiveBIG, the annual online giving event hosted this year by 501 Commons.
- Can’t donate at this time? You can still Become a CAGJ Member!
What does your donation support?
When you support CAGJ, you are helping to strengthen the global food sovereignty movement. Our recent appeal letter highlighted our organizing in these 3 areas – read it online to learn more!
· Climate Justice for Agroecology & Food Sovereignty: Join us for July 13 SLEE Dinner to hear Keynote Doria Robinson speak on this theme!
· Building Locally for a Just Transition: Read Salmon People April 9 Event Report-back
· Solidarity Organizing with the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa: Read People Power! Senegal Trip Report-Back
CAGJ’s grassroots fundraising model relies on Members who give us the independence we need to take on powerful corporate and philanthropic actors currently undermining food sovereignty. Thank you for helping us to build the power for change!
In solidarity,
Heather & Simone