Join CAGJ on 18th Anniversary of WTO Shut-Down!
Film Screening: This Is What Democracy Looks Like
THURS November 30, 8 – 10pm
Attend Anakbayan Delegation Report-Back 6-8pm
Location: Hillman City Collaboratory
5623 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118
Please help us publicize! Share the Facebook event.
On November 30th 1999, a people’s rebellion shut down Seattle and the World Trade Organization (WTO)! Over 50,000 informed activists from all over the globe took to the streets to say NO to the WTO on November 30. After a week of strategic daily actions and teach-ins, we made history when the WTO failed to come to consensus, permanently rolling back their agenda to expand corporate power. CAGJ was born on this day, although we did not materialize until 2001.
Please join us for a film screening of the documentary “This is What Democracy Looks Like,” co-edited by CAGJ member, Seattle’s own Jill Freidberg. A short discussion will follow the film, facilitated by Heather Day, CAGJ’s Director who helped organize the ‘99 protests. We will also share an update on current trade justice organizing!
The film screening will start right after Anakbayan Seattle’s 15th Anniversary event; We encourage you to attend, starting at 6pm! Anakbayan is celebrating their 15th Anniversary by hearing from 3 of their members who recently went on a delegation to the Philippines.
• There will be food!
• Free childcare provided
• Accessible by buses 7, 9, 50, 106 / free, 2-hour street parking
• Wheelchair accessible
• Space will not be scent-free, but we encourage folks to come unscented / low-scented!
More about Anakbayan Seattle:
Anakbayan is a youth and student organization working to educate, organize and mobilize community to address important issues that affect Filipinos in the U.S. and the Philippines. They aim to unite Filipino youth of all backgrounds in order to achieve genuine freedom and democracy in the Philippines.
More about the film:
Cut from the footage of over 100 media activists, This is What Democracy Looks Like captures the historic events of the 1999 WTO protests in Seattle. The film marks a turning point in collaborative filmmaking and achieves a scope and vision possible only through the lenses of over 100 cameras. With a driving soundtrack by Rage Against the Machine, DJ Shadow, and Anne Feeney, This is What Democracy Looks Like, delivers an intensely political and emotional account of a week that changed the world. The film is a co-production between Corrugated Films founder, Jill Freidberg, and Big Noise Films founder, Rick Rowley.
For more info about the Film Screening, please contact CAGJ: 206-405-4600, [email protected]