Dear Community,
Today is #GivingTuesday, an annual day of donating to causes we believe in. In the spirit of CAGJ’s grassroots-supported funding model, we are turning upside down the consumer sales days of “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” and promoting #GivingTuesday as a chance to put your money into social justice!
And today only, you can donate and receive our new CAGJ t-shirt!
The artwork on the t-shirt was our image for SLEE this year, illustrating the theme of cultural and ecological resilience. Artwork is by local artist Heather Edler.
Please help CAGJ reach our year-end goal of $3000 annually in new Sustaining Member donations. Become a Sustaining Member today on #GivingTuesday and receive our new CAGJ t-shirt!
CAGJ is strengthening the global food sovereignty movement because of our strong, resilient, motivated community. Can you give today to help us sustain our work in the coming year?
We already have a lot to look forward to in 2018! In the coming months we will host:
- Premiere of our first short film, Salmon People: Risks of Genetically-Engineered Fish for the Northwest
- A community education event called Who Profits from Philanthropy?, to encourage a critical look at charity and philanthropy, and to consider alternative funding models. CAGJ will bring our perspective from tracking the Gates Foundation’s agricultural development program in Africa over the past ten years.
- Report-Back on the South Africa Agroecology Exchange, co-organized by CAGJ, with two Northwest leaders , Edgar Franks with Community to Community and Dean Jackson with Hilltop Urban Gardens
- Teach-Out with Ari de Leña at Kamayan Farm to continue building on this year’s SLEE theme of cultural and ecological resilience
- And this summer, we will launch Rise Up! CAGJ Summer School, an anti-oppression leadership development program focused on food sovereignty in our region.
Become a sustaining member today and receive a t-shirt – or make a one-time donation if that works better for you!
And please get in touch if you want to be involved in organizing with CAGJ!
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Heather and Simone
P.S. Fair Trade for the Holidays gifts now available online: Order your new CAGJ t-shirts, Nikki McClure calendars, CAGJ books & more now through Dec 12!
Upcoming Events:
- Join us this Thursday, November 30th 8-10pm at Hillman City Collaboratory for a Film Screening of This Is What Democracy Looks Like to celebrate the 18th Anniversary of WTO Shut-Down! A short discussion will follow the film. The film screening will start right after Anakbayan Seattle’s 15th Anniversary event 6-8pm; we encourage you to attend! More details on the film screening here.
- Join us at Ballard Farmers Market 1-2pm on Sunday, December 17th for a public demonstration in support of taking agriculture out of trade agreements! This action is responding to La Via Campesina’s international call for a week of action against the World Trade Organization and Free Trade Agreements during the 11th conference of the WTO in Argentina.