We are excited for our summer Teach-Out at Mother Earth Farm in the Puyallup Valley!
Mother Earth Farm is part of the Pierce County Emergency Food Network and distributes 80,000 pounds of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs to food banks and meal sites fresh from harvest. Each week, incarcerated women from Washington Corrections Center for Women in Purdy come to Mother Earth Farm to parcipate in a job and educational program, while also focusing on a project. The farm has started hiring these women as crew members and gives them work references once they leave.
You are invited to learn more about this 8-acre organic farm in the Puyallup Valley, and to participate in planting, weeding, irrigation, and harvesting!
CAGJ’s Food Justice Project organizes Teach-Outs to bring a grounded understanding of how people are reclaiming the food system and rebuilding a local food economy. We are also partnering with Mother Earth Farm to organize an Education for Action workshop on the roots of our food system to happen later this year. We are in the planning phases of tailoring this workshop for the incarcerated women that come to the farm.
Join this Teach-Out to learn more about Mother Earth Farm and get your hands in the dirt!
Note that time includes travel time from Seatte to the farm in Puyallup.
If you need a ride from Seattle, or can offer seats in your car, please fill out this spreadsheet http://bit.ly/2u0ALVX (or contact us at [email protected]).
Join the event on Facebook!