Missed CAGJ’s event on October 27, 2015 with Eric Holt-Gimenez of Food First and Jill Mangaliman of Got Green?
Do not despair, it was captured on video by Todd Boyle. Enjoy their incredible talks at this link, and please share widely!
Click here for the CART notes.
Thank you to the over 200 people who came, and to the main event sponsors and co-sponsors!
SPONSORS: CAGJ & University of Washington: Anthropology, CHID, Geography, Landscape Architecture, Latin American and Caribbean Studies/Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Program on the Environment, School of Public Health Nutritional Sciences Program and School of Social Work, Urban Design and Planning.
CO-SPONSORS: Chinook Book Seattle/Puget Sound, Domestic Fair Trade Association, Got Green, InterIm Community Development Association, P-Patch Community Gardening Program, Seattle Farm Co-op, Seattle Tilth, Sustainable West Seattle, UAW 4121, UW MeCHA, UW SEED, Washington Fair Trade Coalition.