Take Action for Farmworker Justice!


Call PCC and Driscoll’s Headquarters

PCC Business Office: 206-547-1222

Sample script: I’m calling because I am extremely concerned that PCC continues to sell Driscoll’s berries despite the fact that there is an ongoing labor dispute between farmworkers in Skagit Valley and Sakuma Brothers Farms. As Driscoll’s is the largest distributor of berries from Sakuma farms and distributes berries from other farms with ongoing labor disputes, it is crucial that PCC honor the boycott until Sakuma recognizes Familias Unidas por la Justicia as a union and negotiates a fair union contract. On behalf of the farmworkers who have called the boycott, I ask that you pull the Driscoll’s label from your shelves, endorse the boycott that farmworkers has called on Sakuma berry products and the Driscoll’s label; in doing so you will be respecting the farm workers who pick those berries.

Note: PCC’s response has been that their supplier guarantees that the Driscoll’s berries they sell are not from sourced from Sakuma. However, this is missing the point. There is a boycott on the label Driscoll’s and the berry distributor contracts with many farms with current labor disputes, not only Sakuma farms. If PCC cares about justice in their supply chain and respects farmworker rights, they must honor the boycott.

Driscoll’s Headquarters: 1-800-871-3333

Sample script: I’m calling because I am extremely concerned about the ongoing labor dispute at Sakuma Brothers Berry Farm in Burlington, Washington. For many years, the workers at Sakuma have raised concerns over housing, treatment and wages and in 2013 they finally formed a union to represent them in collective bargaining. However, Sakuma has retaliated against their own workers for attempting to form a union and continues to refuse to negotiate a fair union contract with the farmworkers represented by their union Familias Unidas por la Justicia. For three years Sakuma Brothers Berry Farm has demonstrated what little respect it has for its workers through their actions and it is imperative that Driscoll’s immediately stop purchasing berries from them. I am asking that Driscoll’s confirm that they will not source from Sakuma Brother’s Berry Farm until the labor dispute is ended through a fair negotiation and a union contract is signed with the farmworkers union, Familias Unidas por La Justicia.



In addition to making phone calls today, we also encourage you to send messages to PCC and Driscoll’s as follow up after the Teach-Out.


CEO email: [email protected]

Board email: [email protected]


Online contact form: http://www.driscolls.com/contact-us




Live-tweeting throughout the day should include #boycottdriscolls as well as these anchors: #driscollsberry, @WholeFoods, @PCC, @Costco, @sakumabros


Sample tweets:

  • I’m not buying any #driscollsberry until they treat workers fairly! #boycottdriscolls @PCC @WholeFoods
  • No #wagetheft, please with my berries! #boycottdriscolls @PCC @WholeFoods
  • My family supports #boycottdriscolls! @WholeFoods @PCC @Costco
  • Won’t stop #boycottdriscolls til the farmers are treated fairly! @WholeFoods @PCC @sakumabros
  • Just heard about #boycottdriscolls and won’t be buying berries anymore from @driscollsberry or @sakuma bros. #wagetheft #notwithmymoney
  • Boycott @driscollsberry and support farm worker dignity! #boycottdriscolls @WholeFoods @PCC @Costco



Add photos of visit to: @driscollsberry, #sakumabros, should include #boycottdriscolls



Post images, video, messaging to below pages, should include #boycottdriscolls:








We can use this to video something quick, hashtag it, and upload it online. If anyone records something quick (1-3 seconds) of an impactful image or sound bite, this is where it can live. We would target #driscolls, #WholeFoods and post should include #boycottdriscolls.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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