CAGJ is honored to have been awarded the Food Sovereignty Honorable Mention Prize, along with the Toronto Food Policy Council and the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (Kenya). La Via Campesina – the international movement of peasants who introduced the idea of “food sovereignty” – won the prize. Central Co-op’s Madison Market nominated CAGJ for the prize, sponsored for the first time this year by the Community Food Security Coalition and other organizations to “recognize organizations who have performed significant work to promote food sovereignty by raising public awareness, on-the-ground action, or developing and implementing programs and policies; and groups who recognize the importance of collective action in bringing about social change; global linkages in food sovereignty work; and the importance of women in agriculture and food issues.”
CAGJ members will travel to Des Moines, Iowa in October to receive the prize at the 13th Annual Community Food Security Coalition Conference, “From Commodity to Community: Food Politics and Projects in the Heartland”. All prize winners will be highlighted in the conference program and on the website. We also hope to join Seattle Council-member Richard Conlin at the forum on the first day, “From People Power to Public Policy: A Gathering of Local and State Food Policy Councils”.
CAGJ members need help covering the cost of travel to the conference. Please consider making a donation using the Donate Now button on CAGJ’s home-page. Thank you! Learn more about the conference here: