4 Weeks to SLEE! Tickets on Sale + Call for Volunteers!

SLEE TICKETS ON SALE NOW! TICKETS: Purchase on CAGJ’s website! Sliding scale $40-$200: Please be generous in your support! We want to make this event accessible to everyone while also recognizing the need for us to raise crucial funds. Support a Farmer/Farmworker/Organizer: By purchasing a second ticket (at $50 or $100), you ensure that local […]

Report-back: AGRA Watch joins Pan-African Seed Conference

By Heather Day, CAGJ’s Director In August, AGRA Watch Co-Chair Bill Aal and I traveled to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to participate in the 2nd Pan-African Seed Governance conference organized by AFSA (Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa). We’ve come home having learned so much about the battles farmers are facing in Africa, and the […]

TUES April 25: Rich Appetites Virtual Film Screening and Panel Discussion

Rich Appetites: The Corporate Capture of African Food Systems and the Hunger for Justice TUES April 25, 2023: 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm WAT/ 6pm SAST / 7pm EAT Virtual Film Screening and Panel Discussion Please register to receive the Zoom link: tinyurl.com/RichAppetitesVirtual2023 Help publicize: Share the Facebook event We will screen specific […]

SAT March 25: Rich Appetites Film & Discussion at Town Hall

AGRA Watch is thrilled to present our short film series, Rich Appetites, at Town Hall Seattle on Saturday March 25, 7-9pm PDT. Registration appreciated but not required.  Rich Appetites is a short film series that explores how billionaire philanthropists are pushing US-style industrial agriculture around the globe—including in Africa.  This model of agriculture is the […]

WATCH FULL FILM SERIES! Rich Appetites: How Big Philanthropy is Shaping the Future of Food in Africa

At a time when global hunger is on the rise and the pandemic has dramatically impacted global food systems, corporations are gaining even more control over agriculture than ever. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the largest private charitable foundation in the world, is leading the way in pushing global agricultural development priorities toward […]

A group of people stands in front of the colorful Feed the People Mural in Beacon Hill

An End-of-Year Letter to our Members & Supporters + 2022 Accomplishments

CAGJ’s end of year letter to our Members & Supporters 2022 Accomplishments: #RootingOurselvesInHope Greetings friends, What gives you hope despite increasingly desperate times? Every day I sit down at my desk, and dedicate myself to the tasks at hand, knowing that my efforts are adding to the efforts of millions of people worldwide, including peasant […]

Open Letter to Bill Gates from AGRA Watch & 50 Co-Signers

An Open Letter to Bill Gates on Food, Farming, and Africa AGRA Watch drafted this letter in response to two recent articles we found very troubling. We are joined by 50 organizations focused on food sovereignty and justice worldwide, who want Bill Gates to know there is no shortage of practical solutions and innovations by […]