Please take action today to stand with African farmers! Join our campaign calling on the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to stop using taxpayer money to fund the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). AGRA is a highly unpopular and failing initiative that imposes corporate-dominated industrial agriculture on African farmers. USAID has […]
Category Archives: agroecology
AFSA: African Women Speak Out for Agroecology
The African Women’s Collaborative for Healthy Food Systems published a brilliant article titled ‘African Women Speak Out for Agroecology’ to commemorate International Women’s Day on March 8th, with the theme Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow. The article’s content grew out of our storytelling project in five African countries, and it’s a useful resource […]
ALLIANCE FOR A GREEN REVOLUTION IN AFRICA STILL FAILING AFRICA’S FARMERS March 4, 2022 Donor-funded evaluation shows “AGRA did not meet its headline goal” to reduce hunger Cambridge, Mass.—A new donor-commissioned evaluation of the controversial Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) reveals serious shortcomings in the 15-year-old initiative’s efforts to “catalyze a farming […]
Let’s Stop Celebrating the Demise of China’s Small-scale Farms
by CAGJ member Ross Doll China’s small-scale and subsistence household farms across the country are rapidly fading. For thousands of years the foundation of Chinese agriculture and a fixture of China’s vast countryside, they are now being replaced by the large-scale and mechanized operations so common in the Global North.1 Prominent Western and Chinese media […]
AFRICA’S LARGEST CIVIL SOCIETY NETWORK CALLS ON WESTERN GOVERNMENTS AND PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS TO STOP FUNDING INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE IN AFRICA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) does not speak for African small-scale farmers! Nairobi, September 2, 2021 Today the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), Africa’s largest civil society network, called on donors […]
THURS 8/19 Webinar: How the Gates Foundation Sponsors the Corporate Capture of Global Food Systems
THURS Aug 19, 10-11:30am PDT How the Gates Foundation Sponsors the Corporate Capture of Global Food Systems A webinar co-hosted by Community Alliance for Global Justice and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa 10-11:30 AM PDT (1-2:30 PM EDT / 5 – 6:30 PM GMT / 8 – 9:30 PM EAT) Please register to […]
Report-back: Field Trip to Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad
Edgar (left) and Ramon (right) share their learning process with growing nopales in Washington state. Photo Credit: Mikhaila Gonzales Blog post by Mikhaila Gonzales, Spark Northwest Sweating after a few moments in their greenhouse, Mia, Quest and I, together with members of Community Alliance for Global Justice, listened as Ramon Torres, founding member of Cooperativa […]
Press Release: Hundreds of grassroots organizations to oppose the UN Food Systems Summit
Media contact Marion Girard, Media officer at the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSM) for relations with the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) [email protected] Civil society and Indigenous Peoples’ organizations launch a global counter-mobilization against the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit from 25 to 28 July 2021 in Rome and online. Rome, Italy. […]
Are GMOs the only solution to food insecurity? Cornell Alliance for Science fellows claim they are
By Na Haby Stella Faye, AGRA Watch Intern My research with CAGJ as an AGRA Watch Intern has focused on gathering publications by Cornell Alliance for Science (CAS) fellows, and analyzing the narratives promoted in their writings, both before they became fellows, and after their training at CAS. Cornell Alliance for Science (CAS) is a […]
Food sovereignty is Africa’s only solution to climate chaos
Published by GRAIN Written by: Andrew Adem, Nyoni Ndabezinhle, Mariann Bassey, Mamadou Goïta, David Calleb Otieno Summary by Becca Fogel, AGRA Watch Intern As Africa’s population continues to grow, the demand for food increases alongside it, yet the effects of climate change will make food production much more difficult. Global warming is expected to cause […]