Cover Crops: A Simple Solution to Degrading Soil Quality

Photo Credit: Food First Roland Bunch, a researcher and activist for Food First, published a report focused on fact that in Sub-Saharan Africa smallholder farmer’s lands have gotten smaller on average due to population increase and growing amounts of wasteland. This decrease in the size of farms has resulted in the decline of the practice […]

Smallholder support at the Crossroads: Diminishing returns from Green Revolution Seed and Fertilizer Subsidies and the Agro-Ecological Alternative

On April 30, 2016, The African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) released a report on the the impacts of the Green Revolution on small-scale farming and related socio-ecological contexts. The research is part of a three year multi-country initiative that engages farmers, farmer associations, farmer support organizations, extension workers, scientists, donors, and government officials. Following initial […]

Taking A Stand for Small Farmers: Agroecology Learning Exchange

  The Agroecology Fund and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) hosted a learning exchange summit from May 10-13, 2016.  Farmers and farmer advocates convened in Masaka, Uganda, with the collective vision to “amplify agroecology solutions.”  Attendees documented the summit using the hashtag #AgroecologyVoices.  The Agroecology Fund is a multi-donor fund committed to supporting […]