End of Year Appeal from Valerie Costa: “We need more of CAGJ”
Donate today and your gift will be matched!
November 1999. I was a freshman in college in Boston and a friend invited me to make puppets for a WTO solidarity protest. I wanted to be there because my father had just lost his factory job when it moved overseas due to NAFTA. Watching the daily Indymedia updates from Seattle totally inspired me – I jumped head first into the global justice movement, organizing students on campuses and traveling to big mobilizations against the IMF and World Bank on the East Coast. Little did I know that five years later I would end up moving to Seattle and connecting with CAGJ.
Fast forward to now and I have just returned to Seattle after a year away, getting my Master’s degree in political ecology, degrowth, and environmental justice from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Grad school was not on my life list but after working on climate change issues for the last decade, I felt a big piece of the puzzle was always missing. We were successful at stopping new fossil fuel infrastructure build out in the Pacific Northwest and making major headway at getting real investments in clean energy solutions, but rarely did we look at how our work and our struggles fit into a global context.
CAGJ is that missing puzzle piece for me; please donate today to ensure CAGJ can continue strong in 2024 – and your donation will be matched! As residents of one of the richest and most extractive countries in the world, it is our duty to face the rest of the world and support global struggles for justice. We have access to decision-makers and power-holders here that the people most affected by their decisions will never have access to. We can speak out and protest in ways that people living under more authoritarian and repressive regimes cannot do without putting their lives and livelihoods on the line.
We need CAGJ… In fact we need more of CAGJ. Neocolonial policies have gotten even more sophisticated, greenwashing is rampant, and the global majority are at even greater risk given the increased impacts of climate change. CAGJ is challenging the trade policies that are underlying this economic system. And they are supporting global food sovereignty movements, which I believe are foundational to the type of radical transformation we need as a society to release our grip on endless growth and live in balance with the natural world.
As a citizen of the world I encourage you to make a donation to CAGJ and support this critical work. Thanks to a generous donor, all gifts up to $1500 will be matched dollar for dollar!
Thank you!
Valerie Costa
Support CAGJ!
All gifts are tax-deductible: tinyurl.com/FundCAGJ
- Please consider becoming a Monthly Sustaine! Give by automatic deduction once per month, and help us concentrate more energy on organizing. Give $5, $10, $20 or $100 per month!
- One time donations will be matched and will help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 by December 31.
- Matching gifts are greatly appreciated! Do you work for a company that provides matching funds? Let us know how we can connect!
- Can’t donate, but want to become a Member or renew? Just fill out our online Membership form: tinyurl.com/joinCAGJ – Thank you!