Our 16th Annual SLEE – Back together again!
We can’t thank you enough for attending CAGJ’s 16th Annual SLEE! There couldn’t have been a better setting than outdoors in the MLK Fame Garden where we enjoyed garden tours and a keynote from Black Star Farmers, music by Sin Fronteras, and delicious appetizers made with local and Fair Trade ingredients. It was a beautiful celebration of food sovereignty and community.
Enjoy photos of SLEE by movement photographer Alex Garland in our Facebook album.
It was an honor to hear from four members of Black Star Farmers. Watch and share their keynote, “Reclaiming Food Sovereignty and Reconnecting to Indigenous Ways of Life.” (Thanks Ed Mays for filming!) Black Star Farmers, dedicated to creating radical, joyful, and supportive space for communities to reclaim their ancestral foodways, gave an emotional speech highlighting the importance of collective organizing and a shift away from individualism in order to address injustices Black and Indigenous people face.
We are so thrilled to announce that we raised over $23,000! Thank you for making CAGJ’s organizing and grassroots funding model possible. If you would like to help us reach our $25,000 goal, please donate today.
Become a CAGJ Member, or renew! In case you missed filling out your membership card at SLEE, becoming a Member (or renewing) is easy to do on our website, just fill out this form! CAGJ is membership-driven and your participation contributes to our growth and collective work toward global justice. Members donate their time and/or money.
Please take action today to stand with African farmers!
Did you know that US tax dollars go toward supporting corporate-controlled, industrial agriculture in Africa? In response, African farmers and farmer networks, such as the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, have recently met with representatives in the US Congress to demand that the taxpayer-funded US Agency for International Development (USAID) stop funding industrial, corporate-led agriculture via the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and support agroecology instead. Help us support this work, by calling on USAID to end support to the failing “Green Revolution”: sign the letter to USAID today!
We were thrilled to be able to gather outdoors and in person after several years apart. Thank you to Sin Fronteras for sharing their wonderful songs with us once again!
Thank you to Black Star Farmers for sharing your wisdom; this was the first time CAGJ has had multiple keynote speakers, and it was incredible. We were do glad to be able to hold SLEE at the MLK Fame center, home to one of Black Star Farmers’ gardens.
Thank you to our SLEE Sponsors, Community Partners, Silent Auction donors for making SLEE possible. And to our Table Captains for bringing new people into our community year after year and spreading the word about CAGJ.
Thank you to our dedicated community of Interns, Volunteers, and Core Organizers for continuing to show up and work hard despite the ongoing challenges of a virtual event during the pandemic. Very special thanks to this year’s SLEE Coordinators Pukhraj Sidhu and Katherine Hillesland for leading our first in-person SLEE in three years.
And deepest gratitude to CAGJ Members for coming with us on the journey to strengthen the global food sovereignty movement!
Videos on CAGJ’s YouTube channel: Please subscribe while you’re there!
- SLEE Livestream (2 hours)
- Black Star Farmers’ Keynote, “Reclaiming Food Sovereignty and Reconnecting to Indigenous Ways of Life.” (36 minutes)
- Become a Member
- Intern or volunteer
- Follow CAGJ! @cagjseattle on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YoutTube
- Follow AGRA Watch! @agrawatch on Facebook, Twitter
- Email us: [email protected]