The AGRA Watch campaign of Community Alliance for Global Justice was thrilled to host our report launch and Webinar on August 8, 2020, “The Struggle over Agroecology: Mapping and Mobilizing against the Gates Foundation’s Influence in African Agriculture”.
In the webinar, we presented the findings of our new publication, “Messengers of Gates’ Agenda: A Study of the Cornell Alliance for Science Global Leadership Fellows Program,” and heard analyses from our three invited guests, Elizabeth Mpofu, Raj Patel and Mariam Mayet.
Webinar (Youtube video, 1.5 hours): The Struggle over Agroecology: Mapping and Mobilizing against the Gates Foundation’s Influence in African Agriculture
Elizabeth Mpofu Presentation: Elizabeth Mpofu, one of our webinar presenters, is the co-founder of ZIMSOFF and General Coordinator of La Via Campesina. Part of her presentation was cut off due to a poor internet connection; read her full report.
Interactive Kumu Map: AGRA Watch mapped the ties between the Gates Foundation and Cornell Alliance for Science Fellows (shown in image to right) using Kumu: explore the interactive presentation.
Read AGRA Watch’s Reports:
Messengers of Gates’ Agenda-A Case Study of the Cornell Alliance for Science Global Leadership Fellows Program PDF: 34 pages
The Man Behind the Curtain: The Gates Foundation’s Influence on the UN Food Systems Summit PDF: 3pages
Lire les rapports en français:
Please find links below to the many resources shared by participants during the webinar.
Recent reports analyzing impact of Gates Foundation policies in Africa
IPES-Food and Biovision Foundation for Ecological Development. 2020. Money Flows: What is holding back investment in agroecological research for Africa?
Rosa Luxemburg Siftung. 2020. False Promises: The Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa.
Malkan, Stacy. 2020. Gates Foundation’s ‘Failing’ Green Revolution in Africa: New Report
African Centre for Biodiversity. 2020. GMOs in South Africa 23 Years On: Failures, Biodiversity Loss and Escalating Hunger.
On Gates Foundation & Philanthrocapitalism
Schwab, Timothy. 2020. Bill Gates’s Charity Paradox: A Nation investigation illustrates the moral hazards surrounding the Gates Foundation’s $50 billion charitable enterprise.
Kolbert, Elizabeth. 2018. Gospels of Giving for the New Gilded Age: Are today’s donor classes solving problems—or creating new ones?
UN Food Systems Summit 2021
About the Food Systems Summit
Agnes Kalibata, Tony Blair. 2020. Building food security during the pandemic.
Civil Society Responses to the Cornell Alliance for Science
Malkan, Stacy. 2019. Cornell Alliance for Science is a PR Campaign for the Agrichemical Industry
Malkan, Stacy. 2020. Mark Lynas’ inaccurate, deceptive promotions for the agrichemical agenda
African Centre for Biodiversity. 2019. Mark Lynas slammed for exploiting African farmers’ images to promote GMOs
New York Responses to the Cornell Alliance for Science
Cornell is located in Ithaca, in New York State
Organic Farmers Are Not Anti-Science, but Genetic Engineers Often Are
NYS Organic Farmers’ Letter to Cornell: Evict “Alliance for Science” from Campus
Think & Drink: The Future of Food Security with Susan Bragdon and Robert Paarlberg, May 30 2012
US Government Responses to Agroecology
Kip Tom. 2020 The UN Should Learn That Ideology Won’t Stop a Plague of Locusts
Civil Society Responses to COVID-19 and the Food Systems Summit
Sundaram, Jomo Kwame. 2020. Address Malnutrition with Food Insecurity
Van der Poeg, Jan. 2020. From biomedical to politico-economic crisis: the food system in times of Covid-19