Register for CAGJ’s Rise Up! Summer School: June – Aug 2020

Cultivating Resilient Food Systems in Times of Crisis

Rise Up! Summer School is a 3-month political education and leadership development program for community members, which offers an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the problems in our food system, while being part of creating the change we want to see.

Across the world, we are facing a confluence of crises. The COVID-19 outbreak is magnifying racial and economic inequality. Industrial food production is accelerating climate change and increasing global food insecurity. These crises incite political instability and mass human displacement at an unprecedented scale, and now the pandemic is exposing the vulnerability of our globalized food system to collapse. Together, we will delve into why the movement for Food Sovereignty is needed now more than ever, to cultivate resilient food systems and justice for all!

Register for Summer School here! Registration is required and space is limited.


– Rise Up! CAGJ Summer School sessions will take place via Zoom, unless public health guidelines change.
– All discussions will take place on Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm, on these dates: June 16, July 21, and August 18.
– Field trips will take place during a week-end day each month, depending on status of COVID-19.
– Free and open to all!
– **If you are interested but these particular times do not work for your schedule, please sign up anyway, and we’ll see what we can do.**


JUNE: Past/Laying groundwork & Foundations
Topics: Food Sovereignty, Food Justice, Agroecology, Seed Sovereignty, Decolonization, Racist & genocidal roots of US food system
Highlighted CAGJ Campaign: Solidarity with NW tribes in opposition to GE Salmon

JULY: Present/Current state of food system
Topics: Corporate control of the food system, Agribusiness impact on climate crisis, Food workers’ rights and food security in a pandemic, Philanthro-capitalism
Highlighted CAGJ Campaign: Solidarity with African food sovereignty movement

AUGUST: Future/Paths Forward
Topics: Just Transition, Climate Justice, Movement-Building
Highlighted CAGJ Campaign: Solidarity with Farmworkers


In order to create a cohesive learning community, we ask participants to commit to attending at least two discussion sessions, to deepen your involvement in CAGJ during 2020, and to come with a readiness to learn and have fun while doing it!

Updates will be announced to registered participants and via CAGJ listservs, newsletter and website.


More info: Please email Heather ([email protected]) if you have any questions.

Posted in Events, Food Justice Blog Posts, Slider.

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