Last appeal of 2018: Reflections on a year of Solidarity in Action

Dear CAGJ Community

2018 has been a full year for CAGJ! We started some exciting new political education and leadership development work, strengthened strategic alliances, and co-organized many events. Before 2018 ends, help sustain CAGJ into the new year with a one-time or monthly gift!

Reflecting on the past year, the theme of “Solidarity in Action” resonated with CAGJ leaders to describe the depth of our work. Here are four accomplishments I am proud of that demonstrate what Solidarity in Action looks like:

1. Getting first-hand accounts about the impact of corporatized agriculture in Kenya

I went to Kenya in October to meet with partners of our AGRA Watch campaign, where I saw the power of agroecological practices transforming communities. I also learned about the role of AGRA, headquartered in Nairobi, in influencing Kenyan politicians. We will build off of this information gained as we strategize with our partners on the next phases of AGRA Watch in 2019.

Standing between Samuel and Peris Nderitu of Grow Biointensive Agriculture of Kenya on their beautiful farm!

2. Mobilizing members to support people of color and working class-led food justice campaigns in Seattle

CAGJ members knocked on doors to bring awareness to Got Green’s campaign to close the food security gap through the Sugary Beverage Tax, joined UFCW-21 unionized grocery workers in protest of gentrification and worker rights violations by the anti-union New Seasons Market, and took to the streets in Whatcom County to march for farmworker dignity with Community to Community Development.

3. Strengthening alliances with national and global networks

In February, with a couple other under-35-year-olds, I helped kick off a Youth Process within the US Food Sovereignty Alliance in order to create autonomous space for peer-to-peer learning, skill building, and solidarity with youth articulations in other food sovereignty networks, like La Via Campesina. The Youth Process has grown and is now collectively visioning around youth leadership in the movement.

Presenting the Youth Process to the USFSA National Assembly with my comrades Corbin and Tyler (L-R).

4. Building leadership and analysis around the intersections of food sovereignty and racial justice

We developed a Racial Justice Leadership Collective to learn how racism is imbedded in our food system, and to deconstruct the dynamics of wealth, power and privilege through personal reflections. This led to our first ever 3-month Summer School program, where we dove into anti-oppression principles and the histories of movements for African food sovereignty, farmworker justice, and Native treaty rights.

Today is the last day of 2018. Can you make a donation now so we can continue to offer free community education programs, build leadership in our region, and mobilize international solidarity for food sovereignty?

CAGJ is a membership organization, so we rely on grassroots donors like you to keep this work moving forward. We need your support before 2018 wraps up! Please consider giving an end-of-year gift at whatever amount you can give, or sign up to help us reach our goal of 18 new Monthly Sustainers by the end of 2018!

Thank you for your ongoing support of CAGJ! Toward peace and justice in the new year,

Excitedly presenting a butterfly-decorated pie made by a Summer School member to C2C at SLEE!


P.S.  Don’t forget, when you become a new Monthly Sustainer, we have a beautiful gift for you: your choice of either our new T-shirt with artwork by Heather Elder, or our poster with artwork by Nikki McClure!

Posted in Events, News, Slider.

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