See the Ripple Effects: #GiveBIG to CAGJ now through May 10!

Make your Membership Month gift to CAGJ go further by giving now through Wednesday May 10!

CAGJ is participating in GiveBIG, the annual online giving event on May 10 organized by the Seattle Foundation, and we hope you will support our work by making a donation! Seattle Foundation will “stretch” your gift, and CAGJ’s $3500 matching grant means your gift go even further!

CAGJ is a relatively small fish in the GiveBIG pond. However, by mobilizing our members’ power, CAGJ is capable of organizing for change in our food system at every scale, with only two staff and a tiny budget. When you give big to CAGJ, you can be confident that your donation – of any size – will have ripple effects in your community, and across the world.

Can you donate to help us reach our $7000 Membership Month goal?

You can easily donate before May 10 – your donation will automatically be scheduled for the GiveBIG event!

Our $7000 fundraising goal is to support strategizing and organizing for transnational and local food sovereignty resilience. How will CAGJ put your donation to work?:

  • We will send AGRA Watch leaders to Africa to meet with our partners on the ground, and document farmers’ stories during the Agroecology Exchange we are co-coordinating with our partners in US Food Sovereignty Alliance.
  • We will widely distribute our first-ever short film, about Northwest tribal resistance to GE salmon co-produced with Muckleshoot Food Sovereignty Project and New Canoe Media.
  • We’ll hire an AGRA Watch Researcher to document the Gates Foundation’s web of influence in the biotech and corporate agriculture industry.

Check out our 1 minute video on why giving to CAGJ promotes food sovereignty!

Please give now through #GiveBIG on May 10 to ensure CAGJ can continue this important and exciting work.

One more request: Can you help CAGJ amplify our message and reach our fundraising goals through social media? Sample posts:

Thank you for supporting CAGJ’s work for global justice!

Simone & Heather

P.S. Check out our 2016 Annual Report to read about our accomplishments and donate to CAGJ now through #GiveBIG on May 10 to keep these grassroots efforts going!

P.P.S. If you can’t donate funds at this time, please sign up to become a Member by pledging to participate in CAGJ over the next year – we value your time as well as your money.





Posted in Events, News, Projects, Slider, Uncategorized.

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