Join us for a dialogue with “Food Justice” co-author Robert Gottlieb
Monday, May 23 · 7:00pm – 8:30pm – FREE
Location: Architecture Hall at UW, on the corner of Grant Lane and Stevens Way, East of the intersection of 15th Ave. NE and NE 40th St.
…What is food justice? How would we define it? Is there a food justice movement?
When we talk about today’s food system, food injustices are ubiquitous. It’s where workers in the fields, the meat processing plants, or the restaurant industry face hazardous and exploitative conditions. It’s in the low-income neighborhoods that lack supermarkets but abound in fast food franchises. And it’s with our food products that sometimes resemble more of a high calorie chemical mash than a wholesome and healthy product. Opposing these unjust conditions, a food justice movement has taken root, seeking to transform the food system, from field to table. Robert Gottlieb, co-author of the new book, Food Justice, will talk about the strengths and the challenges facing these new and dynamic food justice groups and their organizing efforts, the emerging new politics around food, and the efforts to transform the very language and understanding about food, from how food is grown to why eating has become a political act.
Robert Gottlieb is Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Director of the Urban & Environmental Policy Institute at Occidental College. He is the author of a dozen books, including most recently Food Justice (with Anupama Joshi, MIT Press). He has been researching and organizing around food system issues for more than two decades and is a long-time social and environmental justice activist and historian of social movements.
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Sponsored by the Community Alliance for Global Justice
and the UW Department of Urban Design and Planning, College of Built Environments