CAGJ Report-back from Kenya & Uganda!
Saturday, March 27, 6:30 – 9:00 PM
Hidmo Eritrean Restaurant, 2000 S Jackson St. Seattle, 98144
Come to hear from Kenyan Farmer & Community Organizer Joshua Machinga, Director of Common Ground in Kenya, and Heather English Day, CAGJ’s Director, who will report back on travels to Kenya and Uganda, where she was learning about the new “green revolution” in Africa and the alternatives, including a visit to Joshua’s program. You can read more about Heather’s experiences on her blog.
Common Ground Program works in many areas, with a special focus on increased food security, crop diversification and the protection of natural resources. Their sustainable agriculture projects provide families and communities with vital technical and material resources for improving nutrition and increasing income generation. The projects also enable rural farming communities to adapt and survive in the face of challenges to their livelihoods, including globalization, commercialization of food production and climate change.
Heather had the opportunity to meet over 50 farmers in their visits with Common Ground and four other programs around the country. She will share images and stories from the thriving organic farming movement in Kenya, as well as the ongoing push for GMO’s and chemically dependent agriculture by the Gates Foundation and others.
Co-sponsored by Village Volunteers. Event is free. Eritrean food available for purchase, full bar available. All ages welcome to attend! For more info, contact [email protected]; Or call 206-405-4600.