Hundreds of corporate negotiators (like Wal-Mart, Zymogenetics, and Cargill) and government officials are meeting in secret to draft a massive new trade agreement they call the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Skeptics are calling it NAFTA on steroids. The TPP would tear down trade regulations in Pacific rim countries from Vietnam to Chile under an agreement […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Three examples of problems with Gates Foundation grants
AGRA Watch research has found these problems with Gates Foundation grants: Bandaid solutions that deepen the root problems: Queensland Institute of Technology – $8.4 million ($3.9mil in 2005, $4.5mil in 2009) – to fortify bananas, a staple food of Uganda, with beta carotine and iron. Like the infamous golden rice project, this replaces local diversity […]
Press Release: New Seed Survey Report Highlights Privatization Concerns
CAGJ is a founding member of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance and is proud to have contributed to this report! USFSASeedReportApril2014FINAL. April 17, 2014 The U.S. Food Sovereignty Alliance today released A Preliminary Report on Seeds and Seeds Practices in the US in celebration of La Vía Campesina’s International Day of Farmers’ and Peasants’ Struggles […]
Cooking up Justice in the Food System: Central Co-op and CAGJ Celebrate Our Food, Our Right!
Join us for seed exchange, cooking demonstration & readings Location: Central Co-op Rochdale Room, 1900 E Madison St (3 blocks East of store) THURS April 17, 6:30 – 8:30pm FREE: RSVP’s appreciated to [email protected] Join us for a night of good food and good activism to celebrate our collective movement for food sovereignty, celebrated […]
Project Database Update!
Volunteers Needed: A One-Time, Easy Way to Help CAGJ! Exciting news! CAGJ has a new database! A good database is vital to a non-profit organization. It will help us communicate better with our volunteers and members and ultimately do our work better! So now we need help updating it. Anyone can do it! A short […]
A tribute to Langston Hughes
By CAGJ Co-Chair Red Mukai Langston Hughes (February 1, 1902 – May 22, 1967) February 1 marks the 112th anniversary of the birthday of legendary poet, novelist, playwright and activist Langston Hughes. He was a central figure of the Harlem Renaissance movement and produced art that was often influenced by the music of his time […]
Rest in Peace, Amiri Baraka
By CAGJ Co-Chair, Reid Mukai Amiri Baraka, longtime activist and one of the great American poets, passed away on January 9 at age 79. The cause of his death, at Beth Israel Medical Center in Newark, New Jersey, was not immediately released, but he was hospitalized in the facility’s intensive care unit since Dec. 21 […]
Donate to CAGJ this Giving Season
You care about food sovereignty, in Seattle, the US, Africa & everywhere. You are a fighter for food justice. You expect social justice to be woven into the fabric of the food movement. You know that a just economy means workers’ rights are respected, throughout the food chain. You have seen the power of social […]
FRI 12/13: CAGJ’s Annual Holiday Soiree
Friday Dec 13th, 6 – 9pm YOU ARE INVITED TO CAGJ’s Annual Holiday Soiree! ALL ARE WELCOME Location: Bobby & Michael Righi’s home, 6002 Fremont Ave, Seattle (Greenwood neighborhood). RSVPs appreciated but not required: [email protected] The Holiday Party is a CAGJ tradition to say THANK YOU to our amazing volunteers, and to introduce new people […]
Report Back: Oct 19 Duwamish River Teach-Out!
By Darcy Buendia The T-107 public access site of the Duwamish river is a refreshingly green oasis within Seattle’s industrial district, and I would never have known, without being told, that this oasis only exists thanks to countless volunteer hours put in over the course of years. Scores of volunteers were here this morning to […]