Ending Bitter Taste of Exploitation in Florida’s Tomato Fields

(A joint press release from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Bon Appétit Management Company)   Putting an End to Tomatoes Tinged with the Bitter Taste of Exploitation   Coalition of Immokalee Workers and Bon Appétit Management Company Build Innovative New Model for Fair Labor Standards in Florida’s Tomato Fields   Bon Appétit Management Company […]

Are CAFOs Linked to the Swine Flu Outbreak?

Are CAFOs Linked to the Swine Flu Outbreak? by Reid Mukai, CAGJ member On April 25th, Tom Philpott of the news site Grist was one of the first American reporters to make a connection between possible links between the widely reported spread of the mutated form of the swine flu virus and CAFOs (Confined Animal […]

Carta abierta al Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Sin Maiz no hay Pais

An Open Letter to the President of the United States from the Without Corn there is no Country National Campaign (Sin Maiz no hay Pais), on the ocassion of Obama’s visit to Mexico. For more information see: www.anec.org.mx Carta abierta al Presidente de los Estados Unidos Nosotros, pueblo de México, también queremos renegociar el TLCAN […]

Witness for Peace and CAGJ Event a Success!

CAGJ recently co-sponsored an event at Seattle’s Labor Temple called “Let Us Eat! Food Security, Trade and Migration in the U.S. and Mexico as NAFTA Turns 15”. Witness for Peace took the lead on organizing this event, which was part of a northwest speaking tour of Baldemar Mendoza, an expert sovereignty and trade agreements from […]

TAKE ACTION on pending Food Safety Legislation!

See below for an action alert from the Cornucopia Institute: Critical Pending Food Safety Legislation: Supporting Viable Federal Oversight over Corporate Agribusiness. We Must Tell Congress to also Protect High Quality Organic and Local Food. 1. HR 875: The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009 2. HR 759: The Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of […]

TAKE ACTION to protect farming!

Please see below for action you can take to help protect the future of farming! A message from Sno-Valley Tilth: Right now, King County is seeking public input about the future of farming in the county. It is possible that the county will decide to define agriculture so broadly that it could lead to the demise […]

Obamas Plant Vegetable Garden at White House

From the New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/20/dining/20garden.html?_r=1 “WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama will begin digging up a patch of the South Lawn on Friday to plant a vegetable garden, the first at the White House since Eleanor Roosevelt’s victory garden in World War II. There will be no beets — the president does not like them — […]

Say Yes to Food Safety – No to Taylor & Olsterholm

Currently America is in the middle of a record food safety crisis and it could get a whole lot worse.   Former Monsanto executive Michael Taylor and irradiation proponent Dr. Michael Osterholm could be named to top food safety spots in the new Administration. Ask Secretary Vilsack to say no to Taylor and Osterholm. 1. Michael […]