I first got involved in CAGJ twenty years ago, when I was 20. I remember cheering on the WTO protests on TV when I was still in high school. Then a couple of years later I heard about CAGJ after attending a talk at Seattle University on the Zapatistas and EZLN.
I jumped at the chance to be an intern working on campaigns against the FTAA and CAFTA, and was inspired to see firsthand how things like petitions, marches, protest art, political theater, banner drops, birddogging, and other grassroots organizing tactics worked.
CAGJ has inspired hundreds of interns like me over the years! Can you make a year-end donation today to ensure this vital organizing and leadership development continues?
CAGJ’s shift to advocating for food sovereignty and local economies in the fight against corporate globalization made me excited to hit the streets all over again. The current food system’s impact on people – from food and farm workers to eaters and the planet, from soil to climate change, made this an important and urgent lens to use in global justice organizing.
It was such a formative experience and amazing opportunity to be part of the Food Justice Project and work with so many wonderful activists on multiple campaigns. I’ve continued to try to live the values and put that experience to work every day through organizing, practicing solidarity and allyship with respect and humility in multiple professional roles in sustainable, local food system development over the years.
We need organizations like CAGJ to continue thriving and evolving. CAGJ organizers, volunteers, and activists work skillfully to educate people on complex issues, build solidarity and community power across movements, and move people to action.
Supporting CAGJ’s unique role in local and global food sovereignty work through a donation is absolutely critical!
Please join me in donating to make sure this important work continues.
In solidarity,
Chris Iberle
Fund the Collective! Make Your Voice Heard
All gifts are tax-deductible: tinyurl.com/FundCAGJ
- Monthly Sustainers give by automatic deduction once per month, and help us concentrate more energy on organizing. Give $5, $10, $20 or $100 per month!
- One time donations will help us reach our goal of raising $10,000 by December 31
- Matching gifts are greatly appreciated! Do you work for a company that provides matching funds? Let us know how we can connect!
Can’t donate, but want to become a Member or renew? Just fill out our online Membership form.