Watch the #BlockCorporateSalmon Webinar: Standing with Northwest Tribes for Food Sovereignty
On September 23, 2020 we had the privilege of hearing from Valerie Segrest and Fawn Sharp, two indigenous women who are leading efforts to block genetically engineered salmon in the Northwest, and globally. Yasmin Ahmed, an organizer with Uprooted and Rising (UNR), situated the struggle against GE salmon within the broader context of problems with industrial aquaculture, corporate control, and the power of universities. CAGJ’s Rise Up! Summer School and UNR organizers co-presented our campaigns to stop GE salmon, and to uplift all of the incredible work being done around the country by Tribes to build indigenous Food Sovereignty.
Please share the recording of the webinar and encourage family and friends to oppose GE Salmon!
Take Action to Oppose GE Salmon
Join the UNR Campaign, who are planning actions around the country the week of OCT 12, and need all kinds of support (graphic design, social media, artists, agitators)!
Share CAGJ’s ‘Salmon People’ Film:
Tell your Congress-people: Co-sponsor the Genetically Engineered Salmon Labeling Act
Don’t buy GE Salmon (when/if it comes to market, although it may not even be labeled!)
Heather Day, Community Alliance for Global Justice
Valerie Segrest, Native American Agriculture Fund
Fawn Sharp, President of the Quinault Indian Nation in Taholah, Washington and President of National Congress of American Indians
Yasmin Ahmed, Uprooted and Rising Seattle