5 Food System Lessons the U.S. Can Learn from Africa

Photo Credit: Civil Eats


In this post from the blog, Civil Eats, Yonas Yimer highlights lessons that the United States can take from current, localized agricultural practices in Africa, where farmers are resisting the corporate-driven push for industrialized agriculture. Yimer works with AFSA, the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, who is the recipient of the 2016 Food Sovereignty Prize. Touching on concepts of agroecology, food freedom, and systematic oppression, Yimer suggests that the United States should not only respect the current, successful food systems that are in place in Africa, but encourage similar practices of agroecology in the United States.


CAGJ is proud to host AFSA at the Food Sovereignty Prize Award Ceremony on October 15th at Town Hall Seattle. You can Register for the Town Hall award event now at this link, and please share widely!

For more information on the prize and this year’s winners, visit the Food Sovereignty Prize website, follow the Food Sovereignty Prize on Facebook, and join the conversation on Twitter ( #foodsovprize).

Posted in News.