For years, farmworkers from Familias Unidas por la Justicia have demanded that PCC Natural Markets drop Driscoll’s berries and honor the boycott they have called for, but PCC continues to refuse. As FUJ has stated: “PCC Natural Markets can improve the work conditions of farmworkers when they boycott Driscoll’s”.
Please take a moment to sign CAGJ’s petition (Click here) urging PCC to #boycottdriscolls! Petition text is below.
Our goal is 1,000 signatures to bring a strong message to PCC from farmworker supporters. We’re getting there but we need your help! Please sign and circulate widely. Thank you!
PCC: Stop selling Driscoll’s Berries, they violate labor rights!
For four years now, farmworker families at Sakuma Brothers Farm in Burlington, WA, which supplies Driscoll’s berries, have been fighting for an end to systemic wage theft, poverty wages, hostile working conditions, and unattainable production standards.
In July 2013, they launched a strike when a worker, Frederico Lopez, was fired for asking for a higher wage when production standards were so high that even the fastest workers were making less than minimum wage. The strike led to the formation of an independent farm worker union (Familias Unidas por la Justicia) and formal negotiations with the company management to resolve the many grievances workers brought forth.
However, after all agreements reached in those negotiations were broken by Sakuma Brothers Farm management, and security guards were sent into the labor camps to intimidate the families living there, the workers voted to endorse a public boycott of Sakuma Brothers Farm and their main distributor Driscoll’s, until the company signs a union contract that ensures that agreements reached are legally binding.
PCC Natural Markets continues to sell Driscoll’s berries, even though PCC attests that they “seek products that are produced under fair labor agreements that ensure equitable working conditions and fair compensation.” Driscoll’s berries are not produced under equitable working conditions. Please tell PCC to stop selling Driscoll’s berries!