Sign up today for our Teach-Out!
SAT September 19, 8:45am – 4:00pm
Co-Sponsored by Seattle Boycott CommitteeCAGJ’s Food Justice Project invites you to a Teach-Out with Familias Unidas por la Justicia, an independent farmworker union in Burlington, WA. Join us on September 19 to learn about the history and current landscape of farmworker organizing from members of Familias Unidas as well as Community to Community, take a tour of the farms and engage in a strategy session around strengthening the boycott.
Familias Unidas por la Justicia was formed in 2013 out of a series of strikes in response to inhumane production standards, wage theft, denial of lunch and rest breaks, racial harassment and other abuses farmworkers continue to experience while working for Sakuma Bros berry farm. Familias Unidas is currently waging a historic struggle for a union contract to ensure fair wages and dignity in the workplace for farmworkers and has endorsed a consumer boycott of Driscoll’s berries, the main distributor of Sakuma berries, until Sakuma negotiates a fair union contract with Familias Unidas por la Justicia.
Solidarity actions have been taking place this summer all over Washington state and also around the country in support of the boycott and Familias Unidas. As momentum continues to build, this is a great time to learn about the struggle and how to support the movement for farmworker justice!
Brief schedule:
8:45am – Leave Seattle for Mt. Vernon (via car-pools)
10:00am – Program begins
3:00pm – Program ends / Leave Skagit Valley to return to Seattle by 4pm
Registration is required – click here! After you register, we will send you more details about the logistics of the day, including carpool coordination, meeting location and lunch. We will work out disability accommodations if needed.
About Teach-Outs: CAGJ’s Food Justice Project invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with key players in the local food region through visits to farms, community kitchens, community gardens and other sites. The visits include hands-on work that is needed by or is appropriate to the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action! Through these visits, CAGJ hopes to facilitate a place for the voices of leaders in our local food system to be heard and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated.
Questions? Give us a call (206.405.4600) or email us.