Saturday, May 11th
Central CO-OP Annex, 1900 E. Madison, Seattle
Find out Why TPP matters to YOU
…and what YOU can do about it!
…and what YOU can do about it!
Join the Central Co-op, Washington Fair Trade Coalition, Washington State Labor Council, Sierra Club, Community Alliance for Global Justice, Philippine-US Solidarity Organization, Sol Fair Trade, Backbone Campaign, IAM 751, SPEEA & others to educate & activate yourself as an eater,
a conscious shopper, a worker, & a community member.Enjoy Equal Exchange coffee & chocolate, Once Again Butters, and fair trade eats, and connect fair trade products to fair trade policy. TPP will impact food, sustainable jobs, access to affordable medicine, our environment, education & our very democracy.
Be involved in upcoming actions! Activities for all ages!
a conscious shopper, a worker, & a community member.Enjoy Equal Exchange coffee & chocolate, Once Again Butters, and fair trade eats, and connect fair trade products to fair trade policy. TPP will impact food, sustainable jobs, access to affordable medicine, our environment, education & our very democracy.
Be involved in upcoming actions! Activities for all ages!
2:00pm-TPP & Eaters & Farmers
Community Alliance for Global Justice, Canaan Fair Trade & Equal Exchange & Domestic Fair Trade Association
10 Reasons why TPP matters to Eaters * Impacts on Farmers Globally & in WA2:30pm-TPP & Workers
Washington State Labor Council, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 21, Philippine US Solidarity Organization (PUSO)
Loss of living wage jobs in WA * Poverty wage jobs in US * Forced Migration * Rise of Sweatshops
Community Alliance for Global Justice, Canaan Fair Trade & Equal Exchange & Domestic Fair Trade Association
10 Reasons why TPP matters to Eaters * Impacts on Farmers Globally & in WA2:30pm-TPP & Workers
Washington State Labor Council, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 21, Philippine US Solidarity Organization (PUSO)
Loss of living wage jobs in WA * Poverty wage jobs in US * Forced Migration * Rise of Sweatshops
3:00pm-TPP & Healthy Communities
Sierra Club, WA Physicians for Social Responsibility
Privatizing water & land * Challenging environmental laws * Access to affordable life-saving medicines
3:30pm- TPP & “Personhood”
Get Money Out of Politics (GMOP) & others
Corporate take over of policy-making * How to assert your ‘person-hood’ & reclaim the political process!4:00pm- TPP & Consumers
(of all ages)
(Once Again Butters & Fair Trade Federation members Sol Fair Trade, Jam Town)
(of all ages)
(Once Again Butters & Fair Trade Federation members Sol Fair Trade, Jam Town)
Sample fair trade foods & wines
& Drumming with Jamtown!