Food Justice Project Meeting: Confronting Racism in the Food System and Food Movement
TUES AUG 16, 6:30-9PM
Location: 23rd Ave S and Jackson St, 309 23rd Ave S 98144, the NELA Center for Student Success
Please join us for our next meeting in August, where we will engage in a facilitated discussion about racism and the food system. This meeting is co-sponsored by Lettuce Link/Solid Ground, and will be facilitated by Bill Aal and Carlos Alicea – bios below. We hope to increase our understanding of the role that structural racism plays in both our food system and in the growing food movement, and to continue to strengthen our capacity as anti-oppressive organizers. Please bring your knowledge, personal experiences, relevant excerpts from books or articles and your desire to learn from one-another through lively discussion!
As always, FJP meetings are open to everyone, so please come and bring your friends! Our meetings are potluck style- bring a snack or beverage to share if you’re able.
If you can, please read this paper on Anti-Racist Practice and the Work of Community Food Organizations. Also take a look at the Applied Research Center’s The Color of Food, if you are not already familiar with it. In September and October, we will focus on class and gender. Please send suggested readings or speaker ideas to [email protected]
Each Food Justice Project meeting now includes an educational component, to enable us to collectively build knowledge for our Community Education initiative. Meetings will feature speakers, article discussions, personal research and presentation, and focused facilitated discussion. As an extension of CAGJ’s organizational anti-oppression analysis and training process, we have chosen race, class and gender as the first of our monthly topics.
Carlos R. Alicea Negrón is an environmental scientist, community organizing, teacher, popular education trainer with ample experience in Puerto Rico and United States and Latin American. He is a professor at Center for Literacy and Cultural Democracy where he teaches Environmental Sciences, Introduction Physical Sciences and Geography using a Multicultural Teaching Model. Some examples of the projects and initiatives that Mr. Alicea has been involved are: a) food sovereignty and food justice; b) ecology-environmental educational initiatives ; c) community science development projects; d) community based participatory; e) Environmental Art Festival; and f) The Alliance of the People of Las Americas project in the USA. Carlos is as well a poet and a short story writer.
Bill Aal is Co-Chair of AGRA Watch, and a co-founder of CAGJ. He is deeply involved in social and environmental justice work with a particular focus on agricultural sustainability and social healing. He joined forces with Margo Adair as co-director of Tools for Change whose mission is: “To bring History, Heart Spirit, Vision and Values into the Center of Public Life.” Versed in opening the imagination, awakening people’s best thinking and inspiring group transformation, Aal works with group reflection to unleash collective genius in organizational settings. He has consulted with a wide variety of social and environmental groups in Washington and around the US. Bill was an active board member of the Washington State Sustainable Food and Farming Network for ten years and was a board member of the Western Sustainable Agriculture Working Group. He is co-founder of which builds computer-based communications networks for activists.
Teach-Out with Clean Greens Farm!
SAT Aug 20, 10 – 3pm
Join CAGJ for our August Teach-Out at Clean Greens Farm, who has a big need for volunteers right now, so we are returning to this favorite spot! **Please note, space is limited, so RSVP’s are required. To sign up email Sara at [email protected]. We will send you directions and details upon receiving your RSVP, as well as information about what to wear and bring. We will be carpooling; please let us know if you can drive, and if so how many people you can bring. All activities will be appropriate for children and we can work out disability accommodations if needed.
The Black Dollar Days Task Force developed Clean Greens Farm in response to the under-representation of African Americans among the ranks of those farming in Washington, as well as the lack of foods relevant to the African American as well as African immigrant food cultures locally. Operating on 22 acres, Clean Greens produces chemical-free, organic food in Duvall, WA for inner city residents.