Teach Out! Engaging our Local Food Cycle
Coordinated by the Food Justice Project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice
Laughing Crow Farm – Bainbridge Island, WA
Fourth Event of 2010! This Sunday, August 22nd, 10am-3pm, with potluck after!
CAGJ’s Food Justice Project invites our members and others to learn about and build connections with key players in the local food region through monthly visits to farms, community kitchens, and community gardens! The site visits include hands-on work that is needed by or is appropriate to the sites, opportunities to debrief and reflect at the end of the site visit, and calls to action! Each visit allows for carpool options and many – including the visit to Bainbridge! – feature a bike route guided by a CAGJ member. Through these visits, CAGJ hopes to facilitate a place for the voices of our local food producers to be heard and their knowledge and skills to be recognized and celebrated.
Laughing Crow Farm, one of the Day Road Farms on Bainbridge Island, is part of the island’s oldest working landscape and largest working farm. The land has been farmed since 1928, when it was cleared by the Suyematsu family. Today, it is among the sixty acres of public farmland managed by Friends of the Farm, a nonprofit that works to promote farming and farmland preservation on Bainbridge Island. The Day Road Farms also collaborate with Global Source Education to teach local students about sustainable agriculture. After visiting the farm, Teach Out participants are invited to a potluck on the South end of the island for food, fun, friends, and all the blackberries you can pick!
**Please note, space is limited, so RSVP’s are required. To sign up, fill out the online form here. If you have any questions, please email Molly at [email protected]. We will send you directions, instructions on the bike route, and carpooling details upon receiving your RSVP, as well as information about what to wear and bring. All activities will be appropriate for children and we can work out disability accommodations if needed.