From PolicyLink:
Did you know that right now in Washington there is a bipartisan effort gaining momentum to deal with our nation’s dual health and jobs crises?
From the White House to both aisles in Congress – and to the more than 200 organizations nationwide that have already signed on in support – it seems everyone is talking about the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative (NFFFI). The NFFFI is an innovative, proven approach that would help local supermarket chains, farmers markets, and corner stores bring much-needed fresh food options and jobs to underserved communities. (Read how it works here)
But the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative needs your help to succeed.
Tell Congress that the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative is crucial to bring healthy food and economic vitality to low-income, underserved communities.
More than 23 million Americans live in communities – urban, rural, and everything in between – without access to the fresh, healthy food they need to thrive. The National Fresh Food Financing Initiative would be a powerful step toward healthier communities for all Americans.
Click here to show your support for the National Fresh Food Financing Initiative.