CALL TO ACTION!! We are looking for people to help with outreach for Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice!!
Help needed with:
-Taking copies of the guide to various stores and other locations in Seattle
-Speaking with locations about selling the guide, negotiating selling price
-Doing research for more places to take guide to
-Logistics of getting donated copies to appropriate ally organizations
If you are interested in helping with Our Food, Our Right outreach, please contact Maria Rodriguez at [email protected] or (206) 351-1996.
Thanks! And don’t forget to order your copy here: or pick up a copy at the CAGJ office in the International District!
Maria Rodriguez
Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice
Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice is a CAGJ Food Justice Project publication (72 pages) that combines hands-on tools for change with community recipes and political awareness to engage YOU in joining in the struggle for food justice! Our Food, Our Right promotes community knowledge sharing, self-sufficiency, accessibility, and food justice through a food sovereignty framework. This guide has the tools you need to take back your food choices and stand up for all people’s right to good, healthy, and culturally appropriate food! For more information, see: