A message from Lettuce Link, a program of Solid Ground:
Greetings Fruit Tree Harvest Tree Donors!
As the plums are quickly ripening, it’s time to get organized for Lettuce Link’s fruit tree harvest project for 2009!
The Community Fruit Tree Harvest, a project of Lettuce Link at Solid Ground, connects Seattle residents who have extra fruit from their residential trees with volunteers who harvest this fruit and deliver it to those who can use it. In 2008, 14,000 pounds of pesticide-free plums, pears and apples were delivered to more than 63 different community organizations including food banks, meals programs, shelters, low-income apartment complexes, programs for children and youth, and senior facilities.
For new tree donors:
If you need assistance in harvesting your pesticide-free, worm-free apple, pear and plum trees for donation, please contact the Seattle Tilth Garden Hotline at (206) 633-0224 or [email protected]. The Garden Hotline does the initial intake for trees, and then sends the information over to us at Lettuce Link.
For all tree donors:
Please let us know that you would like your fruit harvested in 2009! We will not harvest trees if the owner has not confirmed to Lettuce Link that they would like their fruit harvested this season. Please contact Robin at [email protected] or 206-694-6746 x3 to confirm that you would like to participate.
Let us know when your tree is almost ready for harvest and some good days and times for volunteers to come by to pick the tree. Please don’t wait until the fruit is already falling on the ground!
We encourage you to be home and assist volunteers in the harvesting as you are able.
Harvested your own fruit this year?
We can provide volunteers to pick-up and deliver the fruit to food banks and other social service agencies. Please contact Robin at [email protected] or 206-694-6746 x3 to make arrangements for pick-up.
Or, you can even deliver it yourself! For resources about where to donate it, please visit: http://solid-ground.org/Programs/Nutrition/Lettuce/Documents/WhereToDonate2009.pdf