Finally – some change we can believe in! On June 4, 2008, Sen. Sherrod Brown and Rep. Mike Michaud introduced groundbreaking new legislation to reform U.S. trade policy. The Trade Reform, Accountability, Development and Employment (TRADE) Act represents months (years!) of work by people committed to fixing the failed NAFTA model. It creates a positive and pragmatic vision for fair and sustainable international trade.
The TRADE Act addresses both how we need to fix existing trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA, and also what should be the criteria for developing new agreements in the future. The TRADE Act puts the needs of people, communities, and the planet front and center in our trade policy – as they should be. While continuing to promote trade, it also includes attention to labor rights, sustainable and just agriculture, environmental quality, and democratic sovereignty. In other words, it makes trade work for people, not the other way around.
The TRADE Act already has over 60 Congressional co-sponsors. It also has strong organizational support from a wide range of fair trade groups, including the AFL-CIO, Change to Win, the Sierra Club, and Citizens Trade Campaign.
But, to make the TRADE Act reality, we need your help!
Please contact your Members of Congress today, and ask them to cosponsor the TRADE Act. Here are some action tools:
- Read The WFTC press release
- Get more information at the CTC Trade Act Info Center
- Take Action via the CTC Action Page