- CAGJ’s publications: “Our Food, Our Right”
- Fair Trade Apron
- Strengthening the Global Food Sovereignty Movement T-shirt
- Food Justice Everywhere Poster, unique design featuring Nikki McClure artwork
- Locavores T-shirt
Purchase products from CAGJ’s store via Paypal below, where you will be given the option to pick-up at CAGJ’s office in Seattle, or pay for shipping. You can also purchase directly from CAGJ by mailing us a check; please clearly indicate what you are purchasing, and add funds for shipping unless you plan to pick-up.
We cannot ship internationally at this time using the form below, but contact us about other options.
CAGJ’s newest t-shirt is made from 100% organic cotton. It is available in two styles, classic (unisex) and scoop-neck; and two colors, cream and pink.
Original design by CAGJ Member Sage Van Wing, with “Food Justice” highlighted in red, and food translated into 26 languages. The artwork, “Even the Crows Were Curious”, is a papercut by Olympia artist Nikki McClure, who generously donated it to CAGJ for our SLEE Dinners, as well as our poster and t-shirts.
$25 each
CAGJ Publications: Our Food Our Right
- 1st edition: 72 page zine, “Our Food, Our Right, Recipes for Food Justice”
- 2nd edition: 208 page book, “Our Food, Our Right, Recipes for Food Justice”
- 3rd edition: 164 page book, “Our Food, Our Right, Recipes for a New Normal”
CAGJ distributes free copies of our publications to local grassroots organizations, especially those promoting food justice and food sovereignty; contact us if interested.
Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for a New Normal (3rd edition) features art, stories, and recipes from over 30 contributors. Explore illustrations, personal narratives and poems from Indigenous Alaska, Punjab, Puerto Rico, and the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy comic strips, block prints, and instructions for creating a fortune teller. Savor recipes for tea, truffles, soups, salmon, lumpia and more.
These illuminating pieces stitch together food justice narratives that offer insights into the challenges of 2020. The murder of George Floyd galvanized us, while the global Covid pandemic, ongoing climate crises, and intense election season forced us into a new normal of chaos and uncertainty. By centering (re)connection with land, culture, and community, we invite a vibrant vision for working together to build a more just and generative world with food sovereignty for all.
Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice (2nd edition) takes you on a journey through many of the current globalized food system’s failures, and showcases creative solutions that communities worldwide are designing to regain control over their food, and the health of their bodies and neighborhoods. The product of over 50 contributors’ collected efforts and wisdom, this guide has the tools you need to take back your food choices and stand up for all people’s rights to good, healthy and culturally appropriate food! CAGJ published the 1st edition (read more about it below) in 2010. The 2nd edition was published in 2012, with a focus on “Stories of Change” – stories of successful initiatives locally and globally that are helping to create more sustainable food communities.
Also available on Amazon.com.

Cover Artist: Kacy McKinney
Our Food, Our Right: Recipes for Food Justice (1st Edition) combines hands-on tools for change with community recipes and political awareness to engage YOU in joining in the struggle for food justice! Our Food, Our Right promotes community knowledge sharing, self-sufficiency, accessibility, and food justice through a food sovereignty framework. This guide has the tools you need to take back your food choices and stand up for all people’s right to good, healthy, and culturally appropriate food!
- Composting and container gardening
- Effects of NAFTA and the WTO on farmers and food
- Basics of food preservation: canning, pickling, freezing, and drying
- Stories of Change: Food Justice Around the World
- Farmworker Organizing in Washington State
- CSA’s, farmers’ markets, and community kitchens
Fair Trade Apron
CAGJ’s apron is Fair Trade made from 100% Organic cotton canvas produced by Chetna India farmers. The apron is a full length, medium weight organic twill that provides coverage with style. 27″ W x 35″-45″ L with straps. 26″ long ties, two 7.5″ pockets, and adjustable neck strap.
Original design by CAGJ Member Sage Van Wing, with “Food Justice” highlighted in red, and food translated into 26 languages. The art-work, “Even the Crows Were Curious”, is a papercut by Olympia artist Nikki McClure, who generously donated it to CAGJ for our SLEE Dinners, as well as our poster, t-shirt and apron.
100% Organic & Fair Trade Apron sold on sliding scale: If you can pay more, your extra donation helps CAGJ continue our organizing for Food Justice! $30 – $50
Strengthening the Global Food Sovereignty Movement T-Shirt
CAGJ’s shirt features art and design by Heather Elder, created for the 2017 SLEE Dinner. Printed by TS Designs, super soft, 100% certified organic cotton fiber, made in the USA. T-shirt reads “Community Alliance for Global Justice” above and “Strengthening the Global Food Sovereignty Movement” below. We have limited sizes available at this time; you can see what is available in drop-down menus.
CAGJ Food Justice Everywhere Poster
Original design by CAGJ Member Sage Van Wing (at right), with “Food Justice” highlighted in red, and food translated into 26 languages. The artwork, “Even the Crows Were Curious”, is a papercut by Olympia artist Nikki McClure, who generously donated it to CAGJ for our SLEE Dinners, as well as our poster and t-shirt.
Poster is 11×17, printed on heavy-weight paper.
Food Justice Everywhere Poster – $20
“Locavores” T-shirt
Show your support for eating locally with a “LOCAVORES” t-shirt! The front of the t-shirt shows a fork within a fist, and reads “LOCAVORES” underneath. The back reads, “Eat Here” with the same awesome mimic of a food label on the left sleeve. Image shows the “fitted” style.