CAGJ Monthly E-Newsletter | September 5, 2019
September E-News:
Get Involved! Upcoming CAGJ Meetings:
Food Justice Project: 3rd Tues/month, 6:30 - 8:30; for more info email us.
AGRA Watch: time varies, for more info email us
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Collecting Feedback from our Community
Join CAGJ’s interactive Membership Gathering where we will discuss our membership survey, review CAGJ’s history, and vision the world we want together. Food provided, please RSVP!
CAGJ Membership Gathering! Past, Present, Future: Assessing CAGJ Location: Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Deridge Way SW, Seattle 98106 We will feed you breakfast, lunch & snacks! Join us for the first of three membership gatherings during our Strategic Assessment & Planning Process to look back at CAGJ’s story, assess how we’re doing now, and vision the organization and world we want in the future. Our consultant Scott Winn will guide us through conversations to assess CAGJ’s accomplishments and programs through a racial equity lens. We want our members and partners to lead in determining a vision for the future of CAGJ, our organizing strategies, and how we will transform the food system! Register today! Help us publicize! Share the Facebook event.
If you haven’t yet: Please take our short, anonymous survey, designed to take no more than 10 minutes.
Survey deadline is Friday September 13.
Survey takers can be entered to win a drawing for a grocery store gift card or a CAGJ t-shirt! To enter the drawing, email [email protected] with your name and the subject line “survey raffle”. CAGJ HAPPENINGS Monthly Food Justice Project Meeting & Discussion: Linking Food Justice & Resistance to WTO (World Trade Organization) Location: Our office at Welcome Table Church 1322 S Bayview St, Seattle 98144Click here to RSVP to the meeting! As CAGJ prepares for the 20th anniversary of the historic shutdown of the WTO in Seattle, we invite you to join us to dive into the history of social movements resisting the World Trade Organization (WTO), and how CAGJ has organized to connect food and trade justice. In addition to a political education discussion, we will share updates on our solidarity campaigns and organizing roles you can plug into for our upcoming teach-in event on Nov 30th.
FJP Meetings are a great way to get involved in CAGJ, and are held the 3rd Tuesday/month. New volunteers are invited to our orientation at 6pm: Please RSVP. POTLUCK: Please bring food or drink to share, if you are able. All are welcome! For more info, email the Food Justice Project.
Eating Tomorrow: The Battle for the Future of Food in Africa Location: Town Hall Seattle, 1119 8th Ave, Seattle CAGJ/AGRA Watch are very excited to welcome to Seattle Million Belay, Coordinator of the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, and Tim Wise, author of Eating Tomorrow: Agribusiness, Family Farmers, and the Battle for the Future of Food (New Press 2019). Belay and Wise will engage in a conversation on the themes of the book, which features stories of the victims of land-grabbing in Mozambique, Monsanto officials trying to push genetically modified corn into Mexico, and Malawian farmers trying to preserve and promote their nutritious native seeds. Read Wise’s recent article about a much-anticipated UN report on agroecology, and his article on how BigAg is sabotaging progress on climate change. Purchse tickets for $5 here. No one turned away, contact Simone for free tickets or to help organize. Share the Facebook event!
Town Hall Teach-In to Celebrate 20th Anniversary of WTO Protests Get involved in planning the day-long teach-in at Town Hall Seattle on Saturday Nov 30th, the 20th anniversary of the Shutdown of the WTO, where the seeds of CAGJ and many other efforts were planted! The Teach-In will be an opportunity to bring hundreds of people together through work-shops and a movement assembly style gathering to strategize on how We the People will continue to show the WTO and Global Corporations that This is What Democracy Looks Like! Contact us to get involved in planning the event, where we aim to learn from our history and build today’s movements for global justice. SLEE Food Sovereignty Commitments Check out this word cloud of the community soil mural from our July 13 SLEE Dinner! We asked attendees to write commitments to make food sovereignty a reality, and this is what we came up with together. We hope that whether you participated or not, you will continue to reflect on your place within the greater whole. How will you be present in this movement? How will you give back? Thanks to artist Heather Elder for painting the mural the night of SLEE! Thanks to CAGJ Intern Noel Hutton for creating this word cloud from the commitments - larger words represent words that multiple guests used. Thanks to Fai Coffin for designing the soil element flags, and to many volunteers for creating the flags! And thanks to Doria Robinson for inspiring us with your keynote, “For the Love of Soil” (we highly recommend you watch it online). Check out more photos on Facebook. TAKE ACTION FRI SEPT 20, 12-2PM
Join CAGJ Contingent: Global Climate Walkout March from Cal Anderson Park to City Hall at 12; Rally 1-2 CAGJ will join the march taking place during the Global Climate Walkout!This event is shaping up to be the largest climate mobilization in history - at least three million people around the world are expected to take to the streets to call for climate justice. Here in Seattle, a coalition of multicultural and intergenerational organizations have come together to plan a youth-lead Climate Walkout even. Join CAGJ and march with us and our banner declaring solidarity with the African climate justice movement. Look for our banner and email Heather to let us know you’re joining! Learn more: check out this blog from local leaders and the Washington Climate Week website. Read more about the Climate Walkout day in our community calendar below! Support the Evictees Against the Neumann Kaffee Gruppe and Government of Uganda In August 2001 the inhabitants of four villages in the Mubende District in Uganda were forcefully evicted by the Ugandan army. The Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) leased the land to Kaweri Coffee Plantation Ltd., a 100% subsidiary of the German Neumann Kaffee Gruppe (NKG). The houses, churches, crops, and medical clinic of the approx. 4,000 peasants were destroyed. Please sign the petition organized by FIAN International to support the evictees' demands for the full restitution of their land and compensation for all harms and losses caused.
Organize an action at the Gates HQ with us! In October, we will do a public action in solidarity with our partners in the African food sovereignty movement to call attention to the Gates Foundation’s role in pushing corporatization, biotech, and seed privatization in African agriculture. To get plugged in and help plan, contact Simone. CAGJ NEWS & ANALYSIS Teach-Out Report: Clean Greens Farm By Alanna Boynton, Food Justice Project Co-Chair. CAGJ’s Teach-Out with Clean Greens Farm took place August 24, 2019. The sun blazed overhead as I followed the rural roads winding along the Snoqualmie River in Duvall, WA. I soon spotted my destination: Clean Greens Farm, where I’d be spending the day working and learning alongside the farmers and other volunteers as part of a Teach-Out organized by CAGJ. I was especially excited for this event, since my family signed up to be members of Clean Greens’ CSA this summer… Clean Greens began when one of the founders, Reverend Jeffrey, was faced with health issues and decided to drastically change his diet. Now, the farm grows a huge amount of food on just a few acres of land, which is sold at its market stands in the Central District and at Harborview Medical Center. The vegetables are priced affordably in order to further their mission of making healthy food accessible to everyone, especially those living in food deserts where fresh produce isn’t readily available. Read the rest of the report. You can help further Clean Greens Farm’s mission by making a donation, visiting one of their market stands, joining their CSA program, or signing up to volunteer. Your support goes a long way in continuing the fight for food justice in our region. La Via Campesina issues call to mobilize against WTO and Free Trade Agreements Two decades after coming into being, the World Trade Organization (WTO) – one of the flag bearers of globalization and neo-liberalism – is facing an existential crisis that is precipitated by the same group of people who created it. This is also happening at a time when peasants and indigenous people are several degrees worse off than they were two decades ago; with their land, rivers, oceans and forests having undergone massive erosion and forced evictions are inflicted upon them by profit hungry corporations. Local peasant markets and food systems in several countries have been decimated by an order of international trade that only looks at commodification of everything, including the food that people eat… Starting 10 September, we are exhorting the 182 peasant organizations of La Via Campesina in 81 countries, all our allied social movements, academic institutions, political schools of training and NGOs to organize direct actions, public events, study sessions and demonstrations to expose the dangers of these free trade agreements in your own region and countries and also to present an alternative that is rooted in local cultures, context and biodiversity. Let the rallying call for our global actions once again be "WTO, FTAs Out of Agriculture and Food!", "Peasant Trade Systems Over Free Trade", "Food Sovereignty, not Free Trade!" Read the rest of the statement. AFSA Appreciates Ugandan President for Rejecting GMO Law On August 31, Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa sent an “Open Letter of Appreciation to the President of the Republic of Uganda” Your Excellency, On behalf of the millions of African smallholder farmers, fisher folk, pastoralists, hunter-gatherers and consumers, we the undersigned take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your continued and strong stand on the Genetic Engineering Regulatory Act (GERA). We recognize and assure you that the concerns you raise that “the issue of GMOs and genetic modification of our seeds and livestock touches not only on Science but Agriculture, Ecology, Food & National Security and, indeed, the sovereignty of our nation” are valid. You have added your voice to a rising tide of concern about Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) in other countries within and beyond Africa. The government of Zimbabwe recently declared its continued stand against introducing GMOs in their country with a major concern on their impact on the environment. The government of the Republic of Kenya has also continued to maintain its ban on any importation of GMOs, and Burkina Faso is yet to recover from the GM Cotton fiasco that has caused insurmountable losses to farmers….AFSA doesn’t take the struggle against GE lightly; your stand has renewed our strength and commitment to protect, conserve and safeguard Africa’s agricultural sector from selfish economic interests. Read the rest of the letter.
COMMUNITY CALENDAR SAT SEPT 14, 10am - 3pm Food Forest Design and Installation Workshop with Regeneration Farm in Woodinville, WA Regeneration Farm was started by Andrew Green, CAGJ member who helped to start the Northwest Farm Bill Action Group. At this workshop you will Learn the Fundamentals of Food Forest Design; Gain Hands On Experience Installing a Food Forest; Get Help With Specifics of Your Own Food Forest Projects; Learn Techniques for Both Small and Large Scale Designs and Installations; Discuss Regional Resilience and the Most Applicable Plants and Approach for Your Site. No experience needed! Cost: $50.00. What to Bring:Your own lunch (or a potluck item to share!) Your personal project designs, maps and ideas! Gloves and appropriate clothing for a farm. Register online at
THURS SEPT 19, 7:30am Real Change 25th Anniversary Breakfast Location: Washington State Convention Center Celebrate 25 years of Real Change, the local award-winning weekly newspaper that provides immediate employment opportunity and takes action for economic, social, and racial justice. Keynote Speaker Lisa Daugaard, Director of the Public Defender Association will share remarks to inspire us to action, and we'll celebrate the outstanding Vendor of the Year winners. The event is free, reserve your spot today. All gifts over $250 at the Breakfast will receive a t-shirt, bumper sticker, and be DOUBLED. Register here today!
FRI Sept 20 9am - 12pm: Climate Justice Fest at Cal Anderson Park Noon March to City Hall; 1PM Rally at City Hall Inspired by 16-year-old Swedish student Greta Thunberg, the youth movement is asking adults around the world to stand in solidarity with their upcoming Global Climate Walkout on September 20th. Come to learn, engage, and form real connections to many of the organizations involved with the climate crisis in the Seattle region. We will take over the park with each partner organization in the coalition bringing their skills and voices and contributing in ways that help them shine, and help you learn about their crucial work and powerful stories. This is an interactive, playful, festival learning environment with trainings, games, music, art, street theater demos, teach-ins, and lots of chances to connect with the movement in ways that activate and excite you. Follow the event on Facebook.
FRI-SUN Nov. 8-10 Tilth Conference: Growing a Resilient Future Come celebrate the slowing down of the production season over the course of 3 days. Food system professionals, educators, and farmers have the chance to acquire knowledge from each other on best practices, hang with old friends, and create new bonds. A wide range of topics will be presented from different speakers alongside an industry trade show, farm tour, and a chance to network. Learn more.
SAT DEC 7 WTO+20 Events Coordinated by WA Fair Trade Coalition 10AM Rally, 3-9PM Town Hall Seattle In 1999, more than 50,000 of us marched in Seattle against corporate-centric globalization spearheaded by the World Trade Organization (WTO). We demanded a more just economy, that puts people before profits - and we caught the imagination of people around the world. Twenty years later, the struggle continues for genuinely fair trade that puts people and the planet first. Join us Dec 7! 10 AM Rally at Occidental Park: Speakers, street theater, music, and a short march to the Federal Building. 3:30 PM at Town Hall Seattle: We plan a short welcome, followed by several interactive breakout sessions on specific topics. 7 PM Keynote by Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel laureate in economics, Professor at Columbia University, and chief economist of the Roosevelt Institute. His latest book is Globalization and Its Discontents Revisited: Anti-Globalization in the Era of Trump. Stiglitz will describe a better way forward - an approach to globalization that balances interests of workers, communities, and the environment with business interests. Please help us make the WTO+20 events a success: Volunteer! Endorse! Sponsor! Attend! Call or email Hillary Haden of WFTC: 206-227-3079 [email protected]. Thank you for reading CAGJ's e-newsletter! Forward this E-mail | Unsubscribe | View E-mail in a Browser CAGJ is funded by the community - Become a Member today!