
 CAGJ Monthly E-Newsletter | JUNE 5, 2024

Join Food for Thought CAGJ Book Club today!
Membership Month: Thank you!
CAGJ Tabling at Town Hall
Embracing Love Recap
SLEE: Save the Date
Call for Volunteers & Interns
Support the Farmland for Farmers Act
IPES-Food: Land Squeeze
Corn: Last Week Tonight
Local events


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time varies, for more info email us

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MON June 10, 6:30 - 7:45PM PST
Food For Thought: A Book Club for Anti-corporate Food Systems

Teal background with translucent picture of gathered CAGJ members holding banners. Text reads: Food for Thought: Book Club for Anti-corporate Food Systems. Register today!

We have launched a new book club for CAGJ supporters and members of the public, and it’s never too late to join! We are focusing on themes related to our work and campaigns, including corporate control, destructive philanthropy, and people’s movements in resistance. CAGJ members facilitate the discussions. 

All gatherings will be offered in a hybrid format – both via Zoom and in person in Seattle. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link and Seattle meeting location: Register today!


  • MON June 10: Seeding Empire: American Philanthrocapital and the Roots of the Green Revolution in Africa, by Aaron Eddens. Order from UC Press
  • MON July 8: Translating Food Sovereignty: Cultivating Justice in an Age of Transnational Governance, by CAGJ’s own Matt Canfield! Order from Powell’s 
  • MON Aug 12: To be decided by the group

Learn more!


CAGJ Membership Month #Cultivating Connections
NEW MEMBERS: Win a CAGJ Tshirt in our Raffle


Help us reach our 20K goal for Membership Month! We are trying to get 24 NEW CAGJ Members by June 24th. Everyone who donates OR fills out CAGJ’s membership card for the first time will get entered into a raffle to win one of our NEW T-Shirts (you choose - pink or cream)! Thank you so much to everyone who has already donated to keep CAGJ fiercely independent!
FRI June 28, 7:30PM at Town Hall Seattle
Battle for Seattle: Author DW Gibson in conversation with Yalonda Sindé, Dana Schuerholz, Jim Brunner & others
Come see CAGJ at our table!
Whether or not you lived in the area twenty-five years ago, you’ve likely heard of the 1999 World Trade Organization protests, where more than 50,000 people converged on downtown Seattle. Sharing from his book One Week to Change the World: An Oral History of the 1999 WTO Protests, award-winning journalist DW Gibson pieces together a complex account of the “Battle of Seattle,” taking you back to the angst that defined the end of a millennium, complete with fight clubs and Y2K doomsday scenarios. If you can help table at 6PM, contact Heather. More information and tickets.
Embracing LOVE in the Food System was a Blast!
Report-back by Tessa Baker of Forest Edge Farm
From early April through May, CAGJ, along with Olympia-based Everyone’s Food Sovereignty Alliance (EFSA), co-hosted an eight week intensive that is designed to reimagine the food system through the lens of food sovereignty. CAGJ and EFSA are planning to offer “Embracing LOVE in the Food System” in Seattle in October and November, 2024. For more info, please contact Megumi Sugihara. Below is an excerpt of Tessa Baker's blog post about the program.

“Two months ago, my new friend Alex invited me to attend a class related to farming and food systems. I didn’t know what exactly to expect from this eight week course, but I was looking forward to the opportunity to connect with others about farming related topics and chat with Alex on our carpool journey to Olympia. I would have never expected this course to be a total paradigm shifting experience, but here I am, feeling freshly motivated to make changes to the status quo systems for growing and accessing food, and motivated to continue developing my own small organic farm!" Read the full report-back and see more photos!

SAT AUG 17 - SLEE Picnic!
Join the SLEE Organizing Committee
SAVE THE DATE: We are excited to announce that the 18th annual Strengthening Local Economies Everywhere Gala will take place Saturday August 17th at Meridian Park, in Wallingford! We look forward to gathering once again in community this summer! Tickets and more info available soon.
Call for SLEE Interns & Volunteers
Are you passionate about food sovereignty and local economic justice? Want to build your outreach, organizational, communications, networking, and/or nonprofit management skills, or your catering resumé? CAGJ is seeking strong communicators to join our team! All positions are open to students seeking internships, or CAGJ members and supporters just wanting to get more involved!
Join the SLEE Organizing Committee
We are seeking volunteers and interns to help organize SLEE. No experience needed; we provide training and a supportive environment for learning. All work is remote, with opportunities for in-person work sessions as well.
  • Communications & Social Media
  • Community Outreach: Support for Silent Auction, Food Donations, Community Partners
  • Silent Auction Coordinators
  • Volunteer Coordinator
Help out the DAY of SLEE
Volunteer the day of SLEE - SAT August 17!
Set up: 2 – 5PM; Food Prep Coordinator and Cooks: 12 - 5PM; Food service: 3 - 6PM; Registration: 3:30 - 6PM; Child Care (paid position) 5 - 8PM; Clean Up 8- 10PM.

If you are interested in volunteering or interning, please fill out this Google form or email us at [email protected]. We will work with your schedule to the best of our ability!

Read more about Internship & Volunteer opportunities


Support the Farmland for Farmers Act in the Farm Bill!
Who do you want to control US farmland - the local family farmers who feed us and give back to their local communities, or corporate investors seeking to extract profits?

Unfortunately, farmers looking to purchase farmland face steep competition, and young and beginning farmers name land access as their top challenge. High land prices tip the scales in favor of corporate investors, who have millions or even billions of dollars in capital and can easily outbid independent producers. Investment firms, pension funds, and other institutions often use methods that prey on farmers in financial crisis, encouraging rural landowners to give up their land in exchange for quick cash. It’s time to stop this trend.

Farmland kept in local agricultural control supports rural communities with thriving farming businesses, creates a stable US food supply, and protects natural resources. The Farmland for Farmers Act (S. 2583) combats the corporate takeover of our food system by preventing corporations from purchasing US farmland.

Take Action: Ask your legislators to support the Farmland for Farmers Act in the Farm Bill!


Land Squeeze: What is driving unprecedented pressures on farmland and what can be done to achieve equitable access to land?
May 2024 - IPES-Food
Global land prices have doubled in 15 years, squeezing farmers. Huge swathes of farmland are now being snapped up for carbon offsets and other forms of ‘green grabbing’ – adding to the pressures from conventional land grabs. This new IPES-Food report unpacks soaring land inequality & transformative actions for equitable land access. Read the report. And read this article summarizing the reports' themes, by Million Belay & Susan Chomba.
Corn: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
May 23, 2024
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver skewers the U.S. corn industry: “...while corn is incredibly versatile, the way we’ve incentivized farming it has caused considerable downstream harm. Because it turns out, corn’s utter dominance of American agriculture comes at the expense of our environment, our health, and some of our farming communities.” Watch the video.


SUN July 14, 3:30 - 5:30PM
WFTC’s Fair Trade Picnic and Raffle Fundraiser

Our ticketing link is now live for WFTC’s Fair Trade Picnic and Raffle Fundraiser! Grab your tickets now! Join us on Sunday, July 14th from 3:30 to 5:30 pm for an afternoon of good food, fair trade goods, raffle prizes, and engaging conversation. It will also be an educational opportunity to talk about what’s on the trade horizon and how folks can get involved!

SUN July 28, 5 - 8PM
Cultivate & Celebrate: 50 Years of Tilth

From a meeting of 800 producers at a farm in Ellensburg in 1974 to a network of thousands of food system professionals and activists spread throughout the Pacific Northwest, the Tilth community has had a profound impact on our region’s food culture over the last 50 years. Join us for Cultivate & Celebrate, a memorable evening supporting Tilth Alliance’s work as we honor our history and look forward to our next 50 years. The evening will include a special reception, small plate tasting menu, an online auction, and more. More info and buy tickets.

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Community Alliance for Global Justice
SEATTLE, WA 98144-5184