 CAGJ Monthly E-Newsletter | September 1, 2016

September E-News:
MON 9/5 PCC Action
SAT 9/17 PCC Picket
MON 9/18 FJP Meeting
THURS 9/29 Community Meeting
SAT 10/15 Food Sovereignty Prize Award Ceremony
Seeking CAGJ Treasurer
HUG Teach-Out Reflection
AGRA Watch Blog Post: Obama Signs GMO Labeling Bill
Sign Petition to PCC!
Pressure Reps to Vote NO on TPP
Local events



Get Involved! Upcoming CAGJ Meetings:

Food Justice Project: 3rd Mon/month, 6:30 - 8:30, at CAGJ's office - for more info email us.
AGRA Watch:

time varies, for more info email us

Contact us with any questions!

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CAGJ to host the 2016 Food Sovereignty Prize Award Ceremony on Saturday, October 15 at Town Hall! Learn more below.
Welcome Simone Adler, CAGJ's new Organizing Director!
We are thrilled to announce that Simone Adler will be joining CAGJ's staff in October, filling both our Organizing Director and AGRA Watch Organizer positions, in a full-time staff position officially titled Organizing Director. Simone has worked in local and global movements for land and food sovereignty, water rights, economic justice, and toward collective liberation and solidarity between struggles. She has both facilitated and is engaged in movement-building dialogue on race, class, and gender intersecting with environmental and human rights issues. Previously, Simone coordinated a program on food sovereignty and land rights with Other Worlds, supporting campaigns in Haiti and Honduras. In this role, she also had the opportunity to interview several of our African partners for the African Seed and Food Sovereignty article series. She researched and advocated with International Rivers and the Borneo Project in campaigns against large dams, for indigenous peoples’ rights, and for community resistance to land-grabs. Simone has a B.A. in International Relations and French from Bennington College, with a focus on global water access and policy. Simone is inspired by grassroots organizing and is excited to join the CAGJ team!


1. Now: Sign and share widely CAGJ's Petition urging PCC's Board of Trustees to Drop Driscoll's Berries!
2. Monday come to our ACTION to deliver the Petitions
Location: Columbia City PCC, 3610 S. Edmunds St. Seattle, WA 98118. Please join CAGJ, Got Green, and attendees of the 2nd Annual Pacific Northwest Just Transition Assembly to deliver over 1000 signatures to PCC - Columbia City. PCC has ignored the call to action from farmworkers in the Skagit Valley asking for their support in the #BoycottDriscolls campaign launched over 3 years ago by members of Familias Unidas por la Justicia. Food cooperatives and grocery stores all over the country are supporting the boycott. This Labor Day, September 5th, gather with us @ 10am as we demand that PCC do the right thing, and drop Driscoll's! For more info, contact Jessica.
SAT SEPT 17, 10:30m - 12 Noon
Picket PCC (unless they Drop Driscoll's after Sept 5 Action!)
Location: Columbia City PCC, 3610 S. Edmunds St. Seattle, WA 98118.. Please join CAGJ and other supporters of independent farmworker union Familias Unidas por la Justicia, as we continue our informational pickets at PCC stores throughout the region. We will keep picketing until PCC drops Driscoll’s berries and honors the Boycott! Familias Unidas has been organizing protests and work stoppages throughout the summer, and we support their demand for fair wages and a union contract. For more info, contact Jenny.
MON SEPT 19, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Monthly Food Justice Project Meeting
New volunteer orientation at 6pm! Please RSVP.
All are welcome! Come find out how to help us organize against the TPP and GE Salmon, for farmworker and food worker rights! FJP’s monthly meetings are held the third Monday of every month, however in October we will meet on Monday the 24th, due to the Food Sovereignty Prize events the week before. Meetings are held at CAGJ’s Office in the ID, 606 Maynard Ave. S. Rm 102, Seattle. For more info, email Food Justice Project Co-Chairs, Ross and Jenny.
THURS Sept 29, 6:30 - 8:30PM
CAGJ Community Meeting: Come learn about CAGJ!
Community Meetings are offered a couple times per year to give new volunteers and members an overview of all of CAGJ’s food sovereignty organizing.  Come to get an update about our current work, and to hear about opportunities to plug in to CAGJ's 3 main programs - Food Justice Project, AGRA Watch Campaign, and Trade Justice.  In October CAGJ is hosting the Food Sovereignty Prize! We are excited to co-host this ceremony and meeting of our national allies in the US Food Sovereignty Alliance with Community to Community, who organize farmworkers in Whatcom County. Please check out the Food Sovereignty Prize website for more information about the prize, and come to the meeting to learn how to get involved! Location: University Christian Church (same place as CAGJ’s annual SLEE Dinner) - 4731 15th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105. Food will be provided, and all are welcome. RSVPs appreciated but not required. For more information about the Community Meeting, email [email protected].
SAT Oct 15, 5PM Doors Open, 6PM Ceremony, 7:30PM Reception
Food Sovereignty Prize Award Ceremony
CAGJ is proud to co-host the 2016 Food Sovereignty Prize with Community to Community! Together we invite you to celebrate the 8th Annual Food Sovereignty Prize, awarded by the US Food Sovereignty Alliance to frontline organizations transforming our food system by building power and creating real community-led solutions to poverty, hunger and climate change! Join activists, organizers and community-based organizations from Seattle and throughout the US for a ceremony and reception to honor this year’s winners:  Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa and Farmworkers Association of Florida. In the face of increased corporate agribusiness interests threatening their food systems, this year’s honorees address critical needs for farmers and farmworkers by strengthening alliances and advancing food sovereignty through the dissemination of agroecological practices.
The Prize – an alternative to the Big Ag-sponsored World Food Prize - will be awarded in Seattle for the first time since its 2009 inception (when CAGJ was honored to receive Honorable Mention).The USFSA is an alliance of organizers, scholars and working families, dedicated to food justice and food sovereignty in the US.  Learn more about the Prize and our Honorees, and register for the event! Location: Town Hall Seattle (Downstairs), Eighth & Seneca, Seattle, WA 98101. This event is FREE; Donations gladly accepted at the door.


Join CAGJ Leadership:  Seeking Treasurer!
CAGJ’s longtime Treasurer is stepping down – thank you Emma for your years of service to CAGJ!  Please help us find the right person for this vital volunteer role in CAGJ! The Treasurer supports our book-keeper to ensure accurate accounting, supports our annual budgeting process, and assists with quarterly and annual taxes. A full job description can be found here, and contact Heather if you are interested!  Thank you!
Reflection on Hilltop Urban Gardens Teach-Out, By Afrin Sopariwala
Last month CAGJ members gathered at Hilltop Urban Gardens in Tacoma, where we were hosted by Dean Jackson, who gave the very memorable 2015 SLEE Dinner Keynote. This reflection was written by one of the participants.
Hilltop Urban Gardens is a revolutionary space. Located in Tacoma, and founded by Dean Jackson, Hilltop Urban Gardens (HUG) is a community urban garden that provides a healing space and aspires to food sovereignty for residents of the Hilltop neighborhood. On August 13, 2016, Community Alliance for Global Justice (CAGJ) organized a Teach-Out at HUG and I was very grateful for the opportunity to get to know Dean, HUG and also spend some time interacting with mother earth directly. We started the day at 10am and after a go-around to introduce ourselves and say why we were here, Dean walked us through their personal story, the fascinating history of the area and the story of HUG’s formation in 2010…Dean moved to Tacoma in 2008 to the Hilltop neighborhood, land of the Puyallup people. They learned the history of the neighborhood - it was a ‘red line’ community that had suffered much trauma by violence, gangs, incarceration, and more recently, gentrification. Read rest of Afrin’s Reflection here!
Obama Signs Pro-Corporate GMO Labeling Law, Doesn't Require GMOs to be Labeled
AGRA Watch Blog Post by Intern Johanna Lundahl
On July 29th, while the nation was digesting Hillary Clinton’s acceptance of the democratic nomination for President, President Obama quietly signed S.764, the first national GMO labeling bill, into law. The bill was signed with no fanfare and little National press. Seemingly the answer to anti-GMO activists’ prayers, the bill mandates that companies disclose whether their food products contain genetically modified organisms—or does it? Called by opponents the “Denying Americans the Right to Know” (DARK) act, under this law companies may choose any of three methods to inform consumers that their product contains GMOs: a text label, symbol, or QR code readable by smartphone. Small companies will be allowed to include a phone number or web address that will lead consumers to the information. Which option will companies selling GMO-derived products probably choose? Most likely the option that is most difficult for consumers to access, and provides the least amount of information.  One third of Americans don’t own smart phones, especially among the elderly, and low-income families, disproportionately of color. So when corporations choose to hide information on GM foods behind a QR code, up to a third of the population won’t have access. Read the rest of Johanna’s Blog Post here!


Sign CAGJ's Petition to PCC: Stop Selling Driscoll's Berries - They Violate Labor Rights
Over 1000 people have signed our petition launched in August - please add your name! For four years, farmworker families at Sakuma Brothers Farm in Burlington, WA, which supplies Driscoll's berries, have been fighting for an end to systemic wage theft, poverty wages, hostile working conditions, and unattainable production standards. PCC Natural Markets continues to sell Driscoll's berries, even though PCC attests that they "seek products that are produced under fair labor agreements that ensure equitable working conditions and fair compensation." Driscoll's berries are not produced under equitable working conditions. Please tell PCC to stop selling Driscoll's berries! Sign the petition now, and please share widely! Thank you.
Obama Pushing Forward TPP Vote: National Call-in Day on Sept 14
Global Trade Watch has alerted us that, despite its lack of popularity, the Obama administration has submitted to Congress the paperwork required to potentially hold a TPP vote during the post-election lame-duck session. But TPP backers will call for a vote only IF they think they have the “yes” votes to pass it. Tell your representative to be a loud, proud “No!” on the TPP.
WA Fair Trade Coaltion sends a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped make Rock Against the TPP a great success last month! The concert and Teach-In at the Showbox attracted more than 800 people, and we collected several hundred postcards to our Reps! Together with these powerful artists, we were able to raise awareness and get TPP into media and local outlets we have been shut out of. Stay tuned for details of a national call-in day on Sept 14!


FRI Sept 2, 6:30 – 9pm
Idle No More Decolonize Our Activism Workshop
Kick off the 2nd PNW Just Transition Assembly with Dinner and a Workshop to decolonize our activism led by Sweetwater of Idle No More Washington. Historically, environmentalism has focused on the experiences and goals of higher-income, white males. Today environmentalists that are looking to “diversify” the movement must put aside their own agenda, and seek to listen, learn from, and join the global movement of indigenous and communities of color. The objectives for these workshops include: Educate non-Native allies how to work with Native Americans doing activism; Authentic alliance building that reflects indigenous-led organizing and strategies; Prepare participants for volunteer opportunities at Native community events; How to support Native activism rather than perpetuating colonial systems of oppression; Honor indigenous traditions without appropriating their cultures. This workshop incorporates traditional Native American teachings that are even more relevant and needed today. We will offer some suggestions on how to be a good ally and form partnerships with the traditional stewards of this land. This workshop briefly covers the longer workshops of History of Colonization, Healing Historical Trauma, Spiritual Activism, and The 7th Fire. Location: Southside Commons.: 3518 S Edmunds St, Seattle, Washington 98118. FREE.  Learn more and help publicize – see the Facebook Event.
THURS Sept. 8th - 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Reportback from Border Militarization Delegation to El Salvador
Location: St. Patrick's Church - 2702 Broadway E. Seattle, WA 98102. This July, five members of the Seattle chapter of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) traveled to El Salvador as part of a CISPES delegation to learn more about the impact of US foreign policy on forced migration and border militarization in the region, as well as the inspiring solutions and alternatives our Salvadoran partners are proposing. We're hosting a report-back to share what we learned about the current situation from social movement leaders, economists, elected officials, youth and campesino activists, and other allies, and to discuss with Seattle-based CISPES supporters how this can inform our work moving forward. See Facebook event for more details and to RSVP
SAT, Sept 10, 11am-2pm
Food Justice, Food Education, and Food Literacy: A Food Literacy Month Celebration
Location: Seattle Central Library, 1000 4th Ave. Seattle. The Program: 11AM Opening speaker: Edouardo Jordan/Salare RestaurantFood & Wine’s Best New Chef 2016 (first African American to receive the honor); 11:15-12:15 pm Food Justice Panel, moderated by Philip Lee of Readers to Eaters, with Brian Estes, WA State Farmers Market Association/Catholic Charities Spokane “Food For All"; Mei Yook Woo, Danny Woo Garden/The FoodWays Project; Michael Friedman, Farestart; Chef Tarik Abdullah, Hillman City Collaboratory; Cecilia McGowan, King County Library System Summer Meal & Garden program; Valerie Segrest, Muckleshoot Food Sovereignty Project. 12:30-2 pm Table Discussions with Community Organizations: Food Justice Table: ROARRainier Beach Action CoalitionGot GreenInternational Rescue Committee-New RootsPike Place Market Foundation; Food Education Table: Pure Food Kids FoundationSeattle Children’s Theatre, Seattle TilthSlow Food Seattle; Food Literacy Table: Katherine Pryor (author), Lois Brandt (author), Readers to EatersWashington Library AssociationWashington Library Media Association. Learn more about the event on Facebook here.  Event co-sponsored by Seattle Public Library and Readers to Eaters.
SAT Oct 8, 5-8 p.m.
Seattle Tilth's Food Lust
5 PM: Silent auction, drinks & appetizers; 7 PM: Live auction & dinner. Please join us for this fun and exciting evening! Your attendance will support sustainable farmers and make healthy food more available for more people. We look forward to a wonderful evening with you and your guests! Purchase tickets online now. Location: Historic Hangar 30 at Magnuson Park, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle.  For more information, email us [email protected] or call (206) 633-0451 ext. 129.
FRI Oct 14
UW Human Rights Conference
Join CAGJ at a human right’s conference at the UW, “Human Rights Abuses: Expose the Cover-ups”. Help us support human rights cases that are in the midst of litigation by lawyers and human rights activists around the world. There will be a morning panel, bringing together activists, victims, and representatives from various movements/organizations coming together to strategize for justice. A break out session will look at how technology and social media can be an effective tool to broaden human rights efforts. Web conferencing is an option for people who can’t attend. For more information, click here to learn more about speakers, the agenda and to register.

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Community Alliance for Global Justice
SEATTLE, WA 98144-5184