 CAGJ Monthly E-Newsletter | August 1, 2018

August E-News:
Get your tickets to Sept 29 SLEE Dinner!
SUN 8/5 Farmworker March for Dignity
Daily Vigils for Immigrant Justice
No FJP Meeting in August
Oct 12-14 USFSA National Assemly
Very Affordable Office Space Available!
No New Youth Jail
8/12 Solidarity Day at NW Detention Center
RiseUp Summer School going strong!
Synthetic Biology
WFTC Vision for Fair & Just Trade Policy
EU ruling on GMOs
Local events


Get Involved! Upcoming CAGJ Meetings:

Food Justice Project:
3rd Tues/month, 6:30 - 8:30; for more info email us.
AGRA Watch:

time varies, for more info email us

Contact us with any questions!

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CAGJ's blog
AGRA Watch's Blog

Sign up here for Food Justice Project Listserv
Sign up here for AGRA Watch Listserv
SLEE is SAT Sept 29 - Get your tickets today!
Join us for the 12th Annual SLEE Dinner!
SAT Sept 29, 5pm Happy Hour, 6:30pm Dinner

Tickets $40-$100 sliding scale

CAGJ's 12th annual SLEE Dinner - Strengthening Local Economies, Everywhere! - will be SAT Sept. 29 at University Christian Church. Re-connect with Seattle’s beautiful social justice community, and enjoy Hors d’oeuvres, live music, our fabulous Silent Auction, and a truly scrumptious Fair Trade and locally-sourced meal.


Keynote by Farmworker organizer Edgar Franks, Community to Community Development

Edgar’s keynote, “The Legacy We Inherit: Luchando por una Vida AgroEcologica,” will reflect on agroecology as a way of life and share C2C’s work to ensure that the needs of migrant farmworkers are represented on the path towards food sovereignty.


Solidarity Tickets make SLEE accessible to all! We strive to make our dinner accessible to all by offering Solidarity Tickets, ie pay-what-you-can! Or Volunteer, and get in for free, and we will feed you! Contact Mollie for more info.



SUN AUG 5th, Lynden WA
Join CAGJ in Farmworker March for Dignity

Please contact CAGJ if you can join our contingent this Sunday! The March for Dignity, organized by Community to Community (C2C) marks one year since Honesto Silva Ibarra passed away while contracted under the exploitative H2A guestworker visa program in Whatcom County. Along the march route, we will stop at Sarbanand Farms, his employer who denied Silva and his fellow workers adequate water, meals, and sufficient rest breaks in extreme heat, and denied Silva the medical attention that would have been necessary to save his life. The march begins in Lynden on Sunday at sunrise, the typical starting time in the fields for farmworkers. There will be 3 additional entry points for those who cannot start with us at 5:15 am, and shuttles and sanitation services available alongside the entire march route. We will end at Camp Zapata with a vigil and celebration, with food, speakers, and music. The entire march is 12 miles, the average number of hours a farmworker is in the fields during peak season. For carpools from Seattle, please fill out this spreadsheet if you have a car, or need a ride. For questions about the march, to volunteer, or to sign up for a potluck dish for the celebration, please email C2C. Please donate to C2C to support the march!

Daily Vigils at Seattle ICE office
8-10AM, Monday through Friday

Learn more and get updates on Facebook

CAGJ is co-coordinating daily vigils at the Seattle ICE office, located at 1000 2nd Ave in downtown Seattle. The assault against immigrants, including separated families, continues. Advocates are winning victories and reuniting some families, but many kids, parents and others still face unjust deportation orders and indefinite detention. Many of us show up 8 to 10 am every workday, but we encourage people to come any time during the day. Bring your friends! Bring a sign if you can! Our goal is to be a constant visual reminder that we repudiate ICE’s/CBP’s activities. Our presence is peaceful and we are not engaging in civil disobedience, although last week we supported Casa Latina's protest when they shut down the ICE office - read about the action! CAGJ is posting all related events and regular news updates in the Daily Vigil Facebook event.  Another good way to stay updated is to join the WA Immigrant Solidarity Network.


No FJP Meeting in August - see you in September

Due to RiseUp! Summer School activities, there will be no Food Justice Project meeting in August. Contact us to learn how to get involved in our Solidarity Campaigns, or for info about future meetings! We look forward to seeing everyone at the Sept 18 meeting, and third Tuesdays of every month.
JOIN US: OCT 12-15 in Bellingham, WA
IV National Assembly of US Food Sovereignty Alliance

YOU are invited to a convergence of grassroots organizations, activists, faith-based community, scholars, union members, farmers and fisherfolk, and other food chain workers from around the world October 12 – 15, in Bellingham, WA, for the IV National Assembly of the US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA)! The Assembly will provide a space to learn about food sovereignty, share struggles and collective wins, and build solidarity. The USFSA has a goal of bringing together as many people as possible in a World Social Forum style gathering that will encompass a range of panels, political education, arts and other cultural exchanges to pave the way for stronger political action in the United States. The space will be an opportunity for mutual learning. Please stay tuned for information on how to submit a proposal for a panel, registration, and more. Together, we’ll deepen relationships across sectors and geographies to build a path for community liberation and reclaim our food system. The Assembly will also include the 2018 Food Sovereignty Prize awards ceremony honoring movements in the US and internationally. Lauded as an alternative to the World Food Prize, the Food Sovereignty Prize champions real solutions to hunger and is recognized by social movements, activists and community-based organizations around the world. Please save the date and pre-register today (and follow us on Facebook or Twitter) to get the latest updates on the organizing and registration process.

Share very affordable Office Space in ID with CAGJ!

CAGJ is seeking a new co-tenant, and we just got an office make-over thanks to Seattle University! Two adjacent desks available now for $300/month in our warm community office space in the International District. Close to many bus lines and light rail station, and amazing restaurants and cafes surround the office. We are a diverse group of people with deep commitments to social, economic, climate, and racial justice and toward collective liberation in our work and personal lives. We uphold clear, direct communication and community agreements around sharing our space. We meet monthly to share lunch, updates, and to address current needs in the office. The space is colorful, brightly decorated, and includes a shared conference room and kitchen. Contact us to arrange a visit.


Tell Dow Constantine: No New Youth Jail

CAGJ supports the No New Youth Jail Campaign because we believe in a world where kids receive support for their educations, not criminalization. This week you can participate in #NoNewYouthJail Campaign’s Week of Action to demand the jail and courthouse buildings be repurposed for meeting basic human needs! Opposition to the project is growing with over 125 organizations (including CAGJ) pledging support of the #PeoplesMoratorium, telling Dow Constantine to #StopCagingKids. Show your support by sharing photos on Facebook, and telling the world why you and/or your organization support the People's Moratorium! Make sure to tag Dow Constantine, King County Executive and you can contact him directly by email and phone: (206) 263-9600.#NoNewYouthJail #PeoplesMoratorium #FamiliesBelongTogether #


SUN AUG 12, 1:30 - 4PM in Tacoma, WA
Solidarity Day at NW Detention Center

In mid July, over 170 people detained at NW Detention Center went on hunger strike to show solidarity with immigrant parents separated from their children at the border and to draw attention to the abysmal conditions under which they're being held. During the most recent hunger strike, as always, NW Detention Center Resistance worked to amplify the voices of people in detention and pressured GEO to fulfill their demands. On August 12, we'll be back at NWDC for our monthly Solidarity Day - showing folks inside and their loved ones outside that we're with them until the system crumbles. Learn more on Facebook. #EndAllDetention #WeWontStop #AbolishICE


1. Contact your Congresspeople, and encourage friends and family in other states to do the same. Call 202-224-3121 to be connected.


2. Donate to organizations providing legal assistance and organizing to support detained immigrants including, locally:
NW Immigrant Rights Project
NW Detention Center Resistance


3. Attend rallies and bring your friends:
NW Detention Center Resistance organizes frequent actions, and is one national alliance coordinating actions.


4. In Seattle, join daily vigils at ICE office, and help publicize the vigils.


CAGJ's RiseUp Summer School going strong!
CAGJ launched our first ever Summer School in June, our anti-oppression leadership development program exploring food sovereignty movements situated in our local area. Over 40 people registered, and we were happy to have a full house at our first gathering! We greatly appreciated everyone’s thoughtful reflections on our readings related to AGRA Watch, as well as the role of racial justice in anti-oppression work and leadership development. On a Saturday in June, we deepened our analysis of the Gate’s Foundation’s role in agricultural development and philanthropy by visiting the Gates Foundation’s Discovery Center. You can learn more by reading Reflection: First Month of Rise Up! Summer School on African Food Sovereignty by two participants, Haruka Nagano and Neo Mazur. In July we focused on farmworker and immigrant rights, and were honored to be hosted by Community to Community Development for an inspiring day visiting the Tierra Y Libertad Collective farm and their garden putting agroecology principles into practice. We look forward to August’s focus on GE salmon, which will include participating in Swinomish Days, and a discussion with Cynthia Updegrave.


Why is Synthetic Biology a Threat to African Biodiversity?

Synthetic biology is a term that applies to a wide range of genetic engineering techniques that has received serious attention at global and local levels. While US and European-based agribusiness and biotech try to push forward synthetic biology in African nations in the name of food security, they have been met with push back from farmers and food sovereignty activists. In an article by AGRA Watch member Phil Bereano Philanthrocapitalism: The Gates Foundation's African programmes are not charity published December 2017 in Third World Resurgence, Phil describes the concerns brought to the United Nations’ Online Forum on Synthetic Biology: “Synthetic biology could be a cornucopia of important developments or might harbour an unpleasant Pandora's Box of surprises. These startling new genetic techniques have opened up a myriad of possibilities for altering - and maybe even creating or extinguishing - life forms… Who should decide such awesome matters?” Read Phil’s full article here. AGRA Watch intern Jean Fallow, summarized a recent report coordinated by African Center for Biodiversity, ETC Group, and the Third World Network called What Does Synthetic Biology Mean for Africa?” noting that synthetic biology increases the dangers of biopiracy, an unethical exploitation of biological material native to an area without fair compensation to its people. The report details other dangers and breaks down definitions of the range of processes related to synthetic biology. Read the full summary with a link to the report here.


Vision for Fair and Just Trade Policy Platform

Washington Fair Trade Coalition Releases Vision Paper

CAGJ is proud to have collaborated over the past year on the Washington Fair Trade Coalition’s Vision for Fair and Just Trade Policy Platform. At its July release the Coalition stated, “In contrast to President Trump’s aggressive conflict-based approach, the Washington Fair Trade Coalition’s vision paper expresses what good trade policy would look like. “The Washington Fair Trade Coalition wanted to bring our people together to envision what would work, instead of just focusing on the things we know aren’t working. It was so powerful to get together across different groups and interests and craft a vision together of what a fair and just trade policy would look like for people and the planet.” said Gillian Locascio, Board member at the Fair Trade Coalition. The process for producing the vision paper built on common interests and shared goals that all coalition members would support.” Check out the paper online!


European Court rules new genetically engineered seeds and foods should be classified and regulated as GMOs Friends of the Earth Press Release

The European Court of Justice made a precedent-setting decision [in July] that all new types of genetic engineering techniques and applications to seeds and food need to be regulated as GMOs. This decision, which was in response to a case filed by Friends of the Earth France, affirms that new genetic engineering techniques like gene editing should be classified under the EU legal definition of GMOs. It also affirms that new genetic engineering techniques must be subject to the same EU safety laws that cover most existing GMOs, to check for their impacts on human health and the environment which include safety assessments, traceability and GMO labeling. Dana Perls, Senior Food and Agriculture Campaigner at Friends of the Earth U.S, issued the following statement in response: “These genetic engineering techniques could radically change our food system, threatening non-GMO and organic agriculture and the livelihoods that depend on it. We applaud the European Court of Justice for this forward-thinking decision and encourage the USDA to follow its lead. All products made with genetic engineering, including ones made with gene-editing tools like CRISPR, should be regulated, assessed for health and environmental impacts, and labeled.” More info.


Through SAT AUG 4

Paddle to Puyallup Canoe Journey

Canoe Journey is an annual Native American traditional canoe gathering that takes place along the west coast of Washington & Canada. The name of it this year is Power Paddle to Puyallup and the theme we have is "Honoring our Medicine." July 28th was the landing day, when all the canoes that have traveled and registered landed in Puyallup and were ask to come ashore. Dinner was served that night and protocol will follow and go on for the next 7 days. Protocol will go all day from about 9am - midnight non stop. That is where the canoe families have a chance to share their songs and dances. In 1989 Emmett Oliver revitalized the centuries old tradition of canoeing by organizing the “Paddle to Seattle” as part of Washington States centennial ceremony. His dedication of launching this revival of tradition now continues more than a quarter century later as is now known as Canoe Journey. See the schedule.


TUES Aug 14, 6PM
The Breach Movie Screening
When fishing guide/filmmaker Mark Titus learns why wild salmon populations plummeted in his native Pacific Northwest, he embarks on a journey to discover where the fish have gone and what might bring them back. The Breach is a riveting story of the journey of wild salmon and their precarious situation in the ecosystem of the American river system–specifically here in the Pacific Northwest. Covering more than dam removal, Titus’ insightful film looks deep into the British Columbia regulations of fish farms and the current legislative action around the Pebble Mine in Bristol Bay, Alaska. RSVP recommended, online reservation not required. More info.
SAT August 18, 10-5pm
See Seattle's Best Urban Farms! Glean great ideas from creative neighbors who are incorporating animals and gardens into their home landscapes. In this self-guided tour, you will see simple chicken coops built in an afternoon and elaborate finely-crafted coops that took weeks of planning and building. See what's needed for keeping miniature goats, ducks, mason bees, honey bees and rabbits. There are sites all around Seattle. Enjoy a unique and inspiring urban adventure! Tilth Alliance has been hosting this event, or a version of it, since 1999. This is your chance to visit folks who are keeping chickens and creating unique and inspiring urban farms. Tickets for the Chicken Coop & Urban Farm Tour will be available online and at various local retailers at the end of June. To receive email updates, sign up for our newsletter.
FRI Aug 24, 3-7PM
Annual Got Green x Tenants Union x Sage Summer BBQ
Join Got Green, Tenants Union of Washington, and Puget Sound Sage for our annual Summer Barbecue with all our leaders, families, and friends. We will have updates on all of our work, celebrate victories big and small, and create a space to build with each other. There will be vegan and veggie options, meat options, and fun activities. Child care provided. More info.
THURS Aug 30, 6-8:30PM 
Decolonizing Immigration: Roots & Routes
How do child and family detention camps and the Supreme Court’s upholding of the travel ban follow a broader historical arc? Join a conversation, punctuated with arts and creativity, where community leaders respond to recent changes in immigration policy with personal insights and reflections on larger social movements for inclusivity and equality. Highlights will include Indigenous sovereignty, Black Diasporas, and Asian Pacific Islander organizing. More info.
FRI Sept 7, 6-9PM
Japanese American Citizens League Banquet: Food & Social Justice
Seattle Japanese American Citizens League's 96th Annual Banquet “Food and Social Justice” will look at the role of food in creating an equitable future for Japanese Americans, Asian Pacific Islanders, and other groups. We will honor nonprofits who are using food to heal and nourish vulnerable people, and tell stories of the legendary restaurants that have been instrumental to feeding and inspiring Nikkei people, as well as other communities of color. Tickets range from $0-155. For more info.

FRI SEPT 21, 10am-1pm

Free Immigration 101 Training for Social Service Providers

Northwest Immigrant Rights Project will be hosting a free immigration 101 training at Seattle’s Central Library. This training is aimed at social service providers and people working closely with the immigrant community, as well as allies who want to learn how they can more effectively stand with immigrants in their community. This is not a legal training, and will not offer Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits. Finally, in order to keep the training free, we are unable to provide lunch to attendees. More info.


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Community Alliance for Global Justice
SEATTLE, WA 98144-5184