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CAGJ Monthly E-Newsletter | February 6, 2018
February E-News:
Get Involved! Upcoming CAGJ Meetings:
Food Justice Project: 3rd Tues/month, 6:30 - 8:30, at CAGJ's office - for more info email us.
AGRA Watch: time varies, for more info email us
Follow us on Twitter
Join us for a Community Event on Philanthrocapitalism!
Who Profits from Philanthropy? A Community Event about “Philanthrocapitalism” and its Alternatives
Location: Southside Commons, 3518 S Edmunds St, Seattle, 98118
Join us for an interactive and educational event on alternatives to big philanthropy! Speakers will include representatives of CAGJ/AGRA Watch, Burke Stansbury with Social Justice Fund Northwest, Ruth Sawyer with Resource Generation and Rahiv Khanna with Thousand Currents.
Increasingly, charity and philanthropy have become part of the engine of profit and control. Huge foundations built on the wealth of billionaires, such as the Gates Foundation, use grantmaking to impact policy – nationally and internationally – and produce new business and profit-making opportunities that benefit their interests. Social Justice philanthropy contrasts with this trend and is steeped in principles that focus on root causes of injustices. It centers people who are impacted by those injustices as decision-makers, bringing increased accountability, transparency and democracy to philanthropy, and making the field more accessible and diverse. Join us on March 13 to learn more and get involved in changing the game of philanthropy.
This event is FREE; Food provided. Please help us publicize, share the event on Facebook! Accessibility Info: the side of the building has a wheelchair accessible ramp with an accessible bathroom located on the same floor. Questions or want to volunteer? Contact Simone.
Join CAGJ mailing lists!
Stay engaged with our Food Justice Project and related news (events, articles, announcements) through our FJP listerv. There is an average of 3 emails/week: Sign up here! Stay up-to-date with our AGRA Watch campaign and related news about African and global food sovereignty, research, and actions through our AGRAConcern listerv. There is an average of 3 emails/week: Sign up here. Thank you!
CAGJ HAPPENINGS Grocery Workers Speak Out!
Location: St. John United Lutheran Church, 5515 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103. New Seasons Market is a Portland-based grocery chain that plans to open a store in Ballard this Spring, and in the Central District later this year. Despite the company’s “friendly” branding, local grocery workers and community members are concerned about New Seasons’ business practices, including the company’s track record on workers’ rights, and its ties to a major funder of anti-LGBTQ organizations. New Seasons workers have been organizing to make the company a better place for employees and customers alike, and now they’re asking for support. Join our friends at UFCW 21 as New Seasons workers share their stories, and learn how you can help us build a more sustainable Seattle for all. Text “sign” to 313131 to sign the petition! Contact UFCW team to learn more.
Monthly Food Justice Project Meeting
New volunteer orientation at 6pm! Please RSVP.
FJP Meetings are a great way to get involved in CAGJ! At this meeting, we will discuss racial justice, how to get involved in organizing Rise Up! CAGJ Summer School, and take action on our solidarity campaigns. Meetings are held 3rd Tuesday/month at CAGJ’s Office in the ID, 606 Maynard Ave. S. Rm 102, Seattle. All are welcome! For more info, email the Food Justice Project.
No Table Too Small: Book Event and Discussion
Location: iLEAP 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Ste 400, Seattle (at the Good Shepherd Center in Wallingford). Discover former Food Justice Project co-chair Laura Titzer’s debut book, No Table Too Small, which provides practical advice to build a more effective movement for food system change. There is a growing need to overcome differences and find common values by rethinking collaboration and inclusivity. Laura will discuss her book and insights for those working in the food system to incite change. Attend this event to learn and discuss with others the six capabilities of a change agent. This event is co-sponsored by Northwest Harvest, Community Alliance for Global Justice, Faith Action Network, and the Center for Ethical Leadership.
With the sixth round of NAFTA talks already underway, the Trump administration still hasn’t even proposed adding the tough labor and environmental standards with swift and certain enforcement that are needed to protect jobs at home, protect rights abroad, and lift wages continent-wide. This is where the talks need to go.
Please donate to Maru’s Deportation Defense Fund (any amount helps). And sign the petition to ICE to rescind Maru’s deportation order, and pleae share widely!
![]() In an act of retaliation, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has chosen to target Maru directly, for no reason other than her activism and organizing against the immigration agency. She recently received a Notice to Appear letter, signifying the beginning of a deportation process against her. She is still waiting for her court date and could be detained at any time. You can read media accounts here and here.
Mora-Villalpando’s efforts have transformed the NWDC from an ignored facility in an out-of-the-way location to a key site of local resistance, with weekly rallies and vigils outside its gates. “ICE only knows about me because of my political work,” explains Mora-Villalpando.
“I have spoken out to defend immigrants in detention and shared my story as an undocumented mother. I have sat in meetings with immigration officials and challenged their practices. They are an agency whose actions have already been devastating to my community. But with the letter they delivered to my house, they are showing themselves to be an agency that silences any opposition to their practices.”
CAGJ NEWS & ANALYSIS The Fifth Women’s Assembly of La Via Campesina took place in July 2017 in Basque Country. “A really important part of being women in La Vía Campesina is to identify ourselves and our various struggles” emphasized speakers at the start of the Assembly. The peasant women highlighted various aspects of this identity, including women’s care for the land, the seeds and the ecosystem and their fights against patriarchy, the sexist system, and violence. They took advantage of their unique gathering to advance their collective understanding of how to fight for food sovereignty with feminism. CAGJ urges you to read this reflection, which includes a historical overview of “25 years of Feminism in La Via Campesina”.
![]() ![]() The South Africa-US Agroecology Exchange Article Series is now complete, with six articles from delegates on the October 2017 Exchange that CAGJ co-organized. Delegates shared reflections on how their trip to South Africa shaped new ideas, tactics, connections, and other means of continued engagement in the global Food Sovereignty movement, and how they’re bringing these insights to their local organizing. ![]() Read the most recent articles:
Declaration of the Forum on Food Sovereignty, Territories of Peace for a Dignified Life From the Summit of the People “WTO Out – Building Sovereignty”, Buenos Aires, December 12th and 13th 2017.
During the World Trade Organization Ministerial Summit in Buenos Aires in December, over 300 peasants, indigenous peoples, fishers and food producers from more than 30 countries in 4 continents came together at the Forum on Food Sovereignty. They developed a Declaration to express their agreements regarding the construction of territories of peace for the people. The following are excerpts from the Declaration denouncing the violence of Free Trade and uplifting the commitment to food sovereignty: "Violence corners us peasants and indigenous people worldwide in barely a quarter of the available land, while we continue to be the main source of food for all of humanity. Violence is agribusiness destroying three fourths of the agricultural seeds we inherited from our ancestors, while they attempt to take ownership of the rest through seed laws and patents. Violence are corporations seeking to turn our food into commodities and producing the largest food crisis in history with more than half the population malnourished or eating poorly, in starvation and with multiple deprivations and chronic illnesses due to overweight and obesity; a suffering that is worse among the most vulnerable. Violence is the imposition of new and increasingly dangerous technologies without any debate, consultation or public participation; technologies such as GMOs, the new biotechnological developments, geo-engineering or the new gene editing techniques that threaten every life system worldwide." "We once again say, ENOUGH VIOLENCE! And we will continue building another world, taking care of our Mother Earth and feeding the peoples of the world with: – Our commitment to continue working towards Food Sovereignty as platform, political principle and basis of our actions in order to guarantee a world without hunger and a land that is taken care of by peasant men and women who nourish it with love and awareness. – Our commitment to keep the knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors alive; knowledge that today, in the hands of our communities, is our main hope to face the crisis to which this insane capitalism is leading us. – Our commitment to fight against “Free Trade” wherever they may try to impose it, be it through the WTO, bilateral or multilateral Free Trade Agreements, or multilateral institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank; to condemn their lies and show the true face of the planned plunder they intend to inflict on us. – Our commitment to continue producing healthy, free and sovereign food through an agroecological production as diverse and rich as our communities. – Our commitment to keep working at the local level, strengthening community gardens, rescuing local alimentary knowledge and the use of medicinal plants, as well as every experience of local and community organization that strengthen and are the basis of our collective action. – Our commitment to continue multiplying, sharing and defending our native seeds as Heritage of the Peoples at the service of humanity, free of GMOs, agro-toxics and intellectual property rights. – Our commitment to fight against the violence of neoliberalism that is once again seeking to present itself as the unique line of thought and end of history. We know our diversity, our history and our struggles signal the beginning of better times. – Our commitment to transform the ways we relate to one another, leaving behind and fighting against every kind of domination and oppression against women, indigenous peoples, youth and everyone who is marginalized and persecuted in this society." Read the full declaration here.
2018 Sound Food Uprising Summit, Hosted by Beecher’s Foundation
The 2018 Sound Food Uprising Summit is a gathering of regional and national thought leaders working together to change the demand for unhealthy food in Puget Sound through education, cooking, and advocacy. Speakers, schedule, and tickets.
FRI, FEB 9, 7pm
Alexia Allen and Daniel Kirchhof ‘Soil, Hands, And Heart: A Year Of Very Local Eating’
18900 168th Ave NE (located at Northshore UCC) Woodinville, WA. Woodinville residents Alexia and Daniel spent all of 2017 eating only foods gathered by hand. If they wanted salt, they went to the ocean. If they wanted maple syrup, they tapped the trees along their street. They transformed their suburban lawn into a bountiful garden called Hawthorn Farm. Animals, from rabbits to chickens to a cow, joined the party. Human helpers came to milk the goats and weed the onion patch, and also brought exotic gifts like hand-harvested macadamia nuts and lemons. But could they all pull off a hand-harvested wedding feast for eighty people? Hear their stories live and in person (and find out what they have been eating in 2018). Their presentation documents the long road to resilient deliciousness, right here in your neighborhood. What’s their next challenge—and yours? Movie is 45 minutes. Directors/Speakers: Alexia Allen and Daniel Kirchhof. Story Details. Details of event.
THURS FEB 22, 7pm
Kimberly Foster – Don’t Wait to Create Change
Location: 1524 Harvard Ave, Seattle. Kimberly Foster studied African American Studies at Harvard, where she started For Harriet, which reaches over 2 million visitors a month. This makes it a leading voice for Black women’s storytelling and journalism. At this event Foster will present on what it means to take a proactive approach when creating social change. The audience will be able to interact and ask Ms. Foster questions. This event is free and does not require pre-registration. More info.
TUES FEB 27, 7:30pm
Jonathan Kauffman ‘How Hippie Foods Changed the Way We Eat’
Westside School, 10404 34th Ave SW, Seattle, WA. How did foods such as sprouts, tofu, yogurt, brown rice, and whole-grain bread enter our lexicon as health-food standbys? In his book Hippie Food: How Back-to-the-Landers, Longhairs, and Revolutionaries Changed the Way We Eat, food writer Jonathan Kauffman traces the colorful origins of once unconventional foods, and the diverse fringe movements, charismatic gurus, and counterculture elements that brought them to the mainstream. Jonathan Kauffman is a line cook turned journalist, and an International Association of Culinary Professionals and James Beard Award–winning staff writer at the San Francisco Chronicle. He served as the restaurant critic at the East Bay Express, Seattle Weekly, and SF Weekly for more than a decade, and has contributed regularly to San Francisco magazine, Lucky Peach, and Wine & Spirits. Presented by Town Hall Seattle and Westside School as part of the Arts & Culture series. Doors at 6:30PM. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online here.
THURS MAR 8, 7:30-9:00pm
Temple Grandin ‘Different Kinds of Minds’
UW Kane Hall Hall 130, Seattle. Temple Grandin is a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Grandin did not talk until she was three-and-a-half years old. Now a prominent author, speaker and advocate for autism and animal behavior, she has been featured in radio, print and film. Today half the cattle in the United States are handled in facilities she designed. Grandin shares her amazing story. Admission: $5. This lecture has reached capacity. As a courtesy, the Graduate School will offer standby seating on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 6:45 pm in Kane Hall. Any reserved seats not taken by 7:15 pm will be offered to our guests in the standby line. UWAA and UWRA members receive advance registration for the series. Registration is also open for the general public. For more information, contact the UW Alumni Association at 206-543-0540 or email. Event details.
TUES MAR 20, 7-8:30pm
A Reading with Honor Moore
The Fireside Room at Hotel Sorrento on 900 Madison Street. Honor Moore is a poet, memoirist, and writer. She will discuss and read some of her most recent pieces of work. Her most recent book, The Bishop’s Daughter, is about a father who takes wife and nine children from a wealthy lifestyle to work with urban poor, leadership in civil right, and peace movement while being a bishop in New York for 2 years. More information.
WED MAR 21, 7:30
Ashley Dawson – The Peril and Promise of Urban Life in the Age of Climate Change
Columbia/Hillman City 3515 S Alaska St. Ashley Dawson is a professor of English and environmental studies. His argument is that urban cities are ground zero for climate change. He highlights that even though the world’s megacities are located on coastal zones, they are not prepared for the rising sea levels that are occurring because of the dense cities emitting off access carbon. Dawson will highlight the future of our cities, and urges cities to invest in modifications to prepare for these circumstances. Doors will open at 6:30pm. Tickets ($5) and more info here.
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