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CAGJ Monthly E-Newsletter | March 1, 2018
March E-News:
Get Involved! Upcoming CAGJ Meetings:
Food Justice Project: 3rd Tues/month, 6:30 - 8:30, at CAGJ's office - for more info email us.
AGRA Watch: time varies, for more info email us
Follow us on Twitter
Join us for a Community Event on Philanthrocapitalism!
Who Profits from Philanthropy? A Community Event about “Philanthrocapitalism” and its Alternatives
Location: Southside Commons, 3518 S Edmunds St, Seattle, 98118
Join us for an interactive and educational event on alternatives to big philanthropy! Speakers will include representatives of CAGJ/AGRA Watch, Burke Stansbury with Social Justice Fund Northwest, Ruth Sawyer with Resource Generation and Solomé Lemma with Thousand Currents.
Increasingly, charity and philanthropy have become part of the engine of profit and control. Huge foundations built on the wealth of billionaires, such as the Gates Foundation, use grantmaking to impact policy – nationally and internationally – and produce new business and profit-making opportunities that benefit their interests. Social Justice philanthropy contrasts with this trend and is steeped in principles that focus on root causes of injustices. It centers people who are impacted by those injustices as decision-makers, bringing increased accountability, transparency and democracy to philanthropy, and making the field more accessible and diverse. Join us on March 13 to learn more and get involved in changing the game of philanthropy.
This event is FREE; Food provided. Please help us publicize, share the event on Facebook! Accessibility Please come SCENT-FREE. Wheelchair accessible ramp located on side of building; all gender wheelchair accessible bathroom located on the same floor. Questions or want to volunteer? Contact Simone.
CAGJ HAPPENINGS No Table Too Small: Book Event and Discussion
Location: iLEAP 4649 Sunnyside Ave N, Ste 400, Seattle (at the Good Shepherd Center in Wallingford). Discover former Food Justice Project co-chair Laura Titzer’s debut book, No Table Too Small, which provides practical advice to build a more effective movement for food system change. There is a growing need to overcome differences and find common values by rethinking collaboration and inclusivity. Laura will discuss her book and insights for those working in the food system to incite change. Attend this event to learn and discuss with others the six capabilities of a change agent. This event is co-sponsored by Northwest Harvest, Community Alliance for Global Justice, Faith Action Network, and the Center for Ethical Leadership.
Monthly Food Justice Project Meeting
New volunteer orientation at 6pm! Please RSVP.
FJP Meetings are a great way to get involved in CAGJ! At this meeting, we will discuss racial justice, how to get involved in organizing Rise Up! CAGJ Summer School, and take action on our solidarity campaigns. Meetings are held 3rd Tuesday/month at CAGJ’s Office in the ID, 606 Maynard Ave. S. Rm 102, Seattle. All are welcome! For more info, email the Food Justice Project.
We are integrating our new Racial Justice Leadership Collective into our monthly meetings to bring stronger anti-racism and anti-oppression organizing and leadership development into our food justice solidarity campaigns. If you are interested in joining this Collective, please attend our next FJP meeting, and get in touch with Simone. "Salmon People: The Risks of Genetically Engineered Fish for the Pacific Northwest"
We are thrilled to announce that we have completed our short film entitled “Salmon People: The Risks of Genetically Engineered Fish for the Pacific Northwest". The film was the brainchild of Valerie Segrest, Muckleshoot Food Sovereignty Project, and was co-produced with her and New Canoe Media. It focuses on why we should reject GE salmon from the perspective of NW tribal leaders, and features Valerie, Fawn Sharp, President of the Quinault Nation, and Louie Ungaro, Muckleshoot fisherman and tribal council member. We previewed the film at SLEE, and will aunch in the coming month; stay tuned for a national webinar on the film and the state of GE salmon, ways to take action, and more!
Simone Adler will attend the USFSA National Coordination Meeting in Chicago this month, which will include a public panel event, “Dismantling Patriarchy, Building Food Sovereignty” focused on feminism in the food sovereignty movement. Simone and Edgar Franks of Community to Community, Bellingham, will be representing the Western States Region of the USFSA. Simone has been involved in the beginning articulation of a Youth Process for the USFSA, and will be co-present about this initiative during the Meeting.
Stay engaged with our Food Justice Project and related news (events, articles, announcements) through our FJP listerv. There is an average of 3 emails/week: Sign up here! Stay up-to-date with our AGRA Watch campaign and related news about African and global food sovereignty, research, and actions through our AGRAConcern listerv. There is an average of 3 emails/week: Sign up here. Thank you!
Meet at Got Green’s NEW OFFICE 6230 Beacon Ave S. (in the green house directly behind the church) for training and an overview of the day. The Sugary Beverage Tax has gone into effect, bringing in revenue to address food access for low-income and people of color families in Seattle. But the American Beverage Association is funding a local campaign to turn people against the tax, so Got Green and the Sugary Beverage Tax Coalition are organizing more outreach so people know how this will benefit them and our communities. After a training on the script for the day, we will break into groups and head out to neighborhoods in South Seattle to talk to community members about the Sugary Beverage Tax reinvesting in communities, Fresh Bucks, and how Got Green is working to close the food security gap. This is an important step in making sure communities are aware of the benefits of the tax. Please RSVP to FJP.
As New Seasons plans on opening two new locations in Seattle (Ballard and the Central District), we need to let Endeavor Capital, its majority owner, know they’re going to have to respect our communities and workers’ rights. New Seasons has a poor track record of retaliation on workers for demanding living wages, safe staffing, and an end to arbitrary discipline. Click here to sign the letter to Stephen Babson and show Endeavor Capital that we stand united in defense of New Seasons workers’ fundamental rights. CAGJ is part of UCFW 21’s Good Jobs Coalition supporting this campaign; learn more here.
Save the Date and Donate Now! Earth Day, SAT April 21
Join CAGJ’s Team for Got Green 10th Anniversary GREEN-A-THON!
Every year CAGJ forms a team to support Got Green’s Green-a-Thon with the goal of raising $1000 for their visionary food and climate justice organizing – donate now! CAGJ’s Food Justice Project works in solidarity with Got Green’s Food Access Team, most recently by supporting their work to ensure revenue generated by the Sugary Beverage Tax goes to most-affected communities. This year, Got Green is celebrating their Ten Year Anniversary! There are several events to look forward to: Grassroots Fundraising Workshops for Green-a-Thon supporters, taking place March 22, April 18 and May 16; Community Canvass on April 21st – Earth Day, and Ten Year Celebration on May 19th. We invite you to join CAGJ’s 2018 team, meaning you will help us raise funds from your community, and come to the Earth Day canvas if you are able. Please contact Simone for more info.
CAGJ NEWS & ANALYSIS The Zambian government has a long history of standing up to US interests when it comes to food. In 2002, Zambia rejected 35,000 tons of food aid because they were genetically modified. This choice provoked criticism from those in the global north, whose patronizing tone was epitomized by one USAID official quoted saying “beggars can’t be choosers” in reference to a similar rejection by Zimbabwe. Despite continual pressure, Zambia has not backed down. A flourishing agricultural sector has allowed the Zambian government to dictate the terms of food aid, rather than be subjected to the American imperative to export surplus harvest to stabilize their own markets. Zambia continues their resistance to a GMO-pushing USAID program. Just a few days ago, Zambian Vice President Inonge Wina informed the House that Zambia has no plans to import GMO products into their country. Worries over the impact of climate change on smallholder farmers and staple crops have driven many countries to accept agricultural products containing GMO’s. But the Zambian agricultural policy of rejecting agricultural aid has proved successful. Zambia is posting bumper harvests and is not looking back. African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) recently produced a short 5-minute video (watch it here), documents the forum in Harare, Zimbabwe attended by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from across Southern Africa, including Angola, Uganda, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Tanzania, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Members of these organizations where able to meet face to face with officials from institutions attempting to make drastic changes to seed laws, as well as with farmers from across Zimbabwe at Fambidzinai Permaculture Centre. Farmers were able to engage directly with the Zimbabwean seed authorities, and the national gene bank, share their experiences, and the implications these laws have on their lives and practices. These seed custodians displayed their varieties, resembling jewels, and brought the real issues to light, that farmer-managed seed systems need to be acknowledged, strengthened and protected.
Temple Grandin ‘Different Kinds of Minds’
UW Kane Hall Hall 130, Seattle. Temple Grandin is a Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Grandin did not talk until she was three-and-a-half years old. Now a prominent author, speaker and advocate for autism and animal behavior, she has been featured in radio, print and film. Today half the cattle in the United States are handled in facilities she designed. Grandin shares her amazing story. Admission: $5. This lecture has reached capacity. As a courtesy, the Graduate School will offer standby seating on a first-come, first-served basis beginning at 6:45 pm in Kane Hall. Any reserved seats not taken by 7:15 pm will be offered to our guests in the standby line. UWAA and UWRA members receive advance registration for the series. Registration is also open for the general public. For more information, contact the UW Alumni Association at 206-543-0540 or email. Event details.
TUES MAR 20, 7-8:30pm
A Reading with Honor Moore
The Fireside Room at Hotel Sorrento on 900 Madison Street. Honor Moore is a poet, memoirist, and writer. She will discuss and read some of her most recent pieces of work. Her most recent book, The Bishop’s Daughter, is about a father who takes wife and nine children from a wealthy lifestyle to work with urban poor, leadership in civil right, and peace movement while being a bishop in New York for 2 years. More information.
WED MAR 21, 7:30
Ashley Dawson – The Peril and Promise of Urban Life in the Age of Climate Change
Columbia/Hillman City 3515 S Alaska St. Ashley Dawson is a professor of English and environmental studies. His argument is that urban cities are ground zero for climate change. He highlights that even though the world’s megacities are located on coastal zones, they are not prepared for the rising sea levels that are occurring because of the dense cities emitting off access carbon. Dawson will highlight the future of our cities, and urges cities to invest in modifications to prepare for these circumstances. Doors will open at 6:30pm. Tickets ($5) and more info here.
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