CAGJ Monthly E-Newsletter | JUNE 1, 2022
June Enews
SLEE is July 16th!
Get your tickets today:
Get Involved! Upcoming CAGJ Meetings:
Food Justice Project: Monthly meetings are on hold while we host Rise-Up Summer School
AGRA Watch: time varies, for more info email us
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SAT July 16th, 3-6PM Pacific
![]() CAGJ's 16th Annual SLEE Gala
Location: In the garden at MLK FAME Community Center, Madison Valley
CAGJ’s annual SLEE Gala - Strengthening Local Economies Everywhere! - is in 6 weeks, and we are so excited to be back in person! Enjoy live music, Silent Auction, hors d’oeuvres and libations while touring the garden cultivated by Keynote Black Star Farmers - featured last week in the Seattle Times!
Keynote by Black Star Farmers: “Reclaiming Food Sovereignty and Reconnecting to Indigenous Ways of Life”: Black Star Farmers is dedicated to creating radical, joyful, and supportive space for communities to reclaim their ancestral foodways. Born out of the Capitol Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) during the 2020 George Floyd uprising, today they steward several gardens in Seattle, on occupied Duwamish and Coast Salish territory. They are committed to facilitating difficult conversations about race, anti colonialism, anti capitalism, and the abolition of all oppressive systems especially as it relates to BIPOC communities.
Help us make this our Sweet Sixteen SLEE!
Contact SLEE Organizer Pukhraj Sidhu to contribute your time & support: [email protected] - Thank you!
CAGJ HAPPENINGS Farm Visit: Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad
Registration is required: click here
It’s berry season! Join us for a taste of exploitation-free berries as we visit Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad (Earth and Freedom Cooperative farm)! Founded by four of the leaders of farmworker union Familias Unidas por la Justicia, the first farmworker union to be created in over twenty years, the co-op provides a space to build community, learn how to practice agroecology, and feed people good food. As cooperative co-founder Tomas Ramon says, “This is for a better life.”
Please register to receive visit details including address and directions. Note that the farm is located approximately 2 hours north of Seattle in Everson. Carpool: If you are fully vaccinated and can offer a ride, or if you need a ride, please provide your info.
CAGJ Webinar: Farmworkers Organizing to Build Food Sovereignty
With Edgar Franks, Familias Unidas por la Justicia
Rise Up! Summer School Kick-off: Open to all
Please join us for CAGJ's webinar with Edgar Franks, Political Director of Familias Unidas por la Justicia Farmworker union, who will speak about their effort to secure better working conditions for farmworkers, building towards food sovereignty, and developing alternative farming projects. We will chat about movement tools, building communities, and how to envision and fight for better conditions. Franks also volunteers at the farm founded by FUJ leaders, Cooperativa Tierra y Libertad, a cooperative-run agroecological farm that provides for workers and their community. Parallel projects like these are critical in building food sovereignty movements!
AGRA Watch just published a companion guide to accompany the first episode of our Rich Appetites film series. This guide is available in three formats: a Google Doc, PDF including photos, charts and graphics, and a page on the Rich Appetites website, which also includes discussion questions for anyone who might wish to use the films in a classroom setting. This guide specifically breaks down and debunks three myths or claims: 1) that the US has the most productive and efficient agricultural system in the world, 2) that the Green Revolution reduced world hunger, and 3) that AGRA is helping African farmers. Please check it out and share widely!
CAGJ Urban Hike-a-Thon for Food Justice
On Saturday May 21st an amazing thing happened: CAGJ had our first in-person event since the pandemic started! Thanks to nearly 50 donors, we raised over 2K and are able to support Familias Unidas por la Justicia and Black Star Farmers with a $700 donation to support their transformative work for food sovereignty. We greatly appreciate the time and care with hosting us of both Kelien at Nurturing Roots and Cherry at the BIPOC Community Garden at Beacon Food Forest! Hikers enjoyed viewing other sites along our Beacon Hill route, and learning from each other about the Maa nyei lai ndeic and Snoqualimie P-Patch Community Gardens, the Seattle Community Fridge project, Feed the People, and The Station coffee shop. We are thrilled to have had hikers’ assistance with planting CAGJ’s garden beds outside our office at Welcome Table Church! A big thanks to everyone who turned out, it was a fantastic day! See more Hike-a-Thon photos here!
![]() TAKE ACTION Join CAGJ's campaign calling on the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to stop using taxpayer money to fund corporate-dominated industrial agriculture in Africa, through the unpopular and failing Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) initiative. USAID has a unique opportunity to do the right thing and make a meaningful impact by redirecting this funding to support sustainable and regenerative agriculture, as demanded by many African farmers and organizations. Help us reach 10,000 emails to USAID!
Click here to send an automated email to USAID.
Please share this call to action widely with your friends and networks. Individual signers without an organizational affiliation are welcome and encouraged to sign. And check out our website for updates and additional resources: Seattle Global Day of Action for Covid Vaccine & Treatment Equity
Where: German Consulate, 613 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104
Billions of people around the world continue to be denied access to COVID vaccines, tests and treatments specifically because Europe and the United States are prioritizing the interests of pharmaceutical monopolies ahead of human life and an end to the pandemic. Over 100 countries across the globe are calling for an emergency waiver of World Trade Organization (WTO) pharmaceutical monopoly rules that are standing in the way of increased global vaccine, test and treatment access. But powers in the Global North have rejected theses calls. The WTO is having its biggest meeting since the start of the pandemic in June. Feeling the pressure to do something on COVID, WTO leaders have introduced a bogus new proposal that not only fails to remove WTO barriers to COVID medicine accessibility, but actually introduces new obstacles. The constant protection of Big Pharma profits over human lives has to end! More info and RSVP here.
Calling all Students for Trade Justice! A Sign-On Letter
Trade Justice Education Fund is looking for 1,000 students willing to speak out together to demand that the Biden administration stand up to greedy pharmaceutical monopolies and remove barriers to increased global production of vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics. Students can add their name to the letter here.
CAGJ NEWS & ANALYSIS "Translating Food Sovereignty: Cultivating Justice in an Age of Transnational Governance"
Translating Food Sovereignty accompanies activists based in the Pacific Northwest - including CAGJ! - as they mobilize the claim of food sovereignty across local, regional, and global arenas of governance. In contrast to social movements that frame their claims through the language of human rights, food sovereignty activists are one of the first to have articulated themselves in relation to the neoliberal transnational order of networked governance. While this global regulatory framework emerged to deepen market logics, Matthew C. Canfield reveals how activists are leveraging this order to make more expansive social justice claims. This nuanced, deeply engaged ethnography illustrates how food sovereignty activists are cultivating new forms of transnational governance from the ground up. More info and buy the book.
IPES Food: "Another Perfect Storm?"
May 6, 2022 - With the invasion of Ukraine sparking a third food price crisis in 15 years, a new IPES-Food special report, ‘Another Perfect Storm?’ takes stock of the critical factors fanning the flames of global hunger - and what can be done about them. The special report blames fundamental flaws in global food systems - such as heavy reliance on food imports and excessive commodity speculation - for escalating food insecurity sparked by the Ukraine invasion. These flaws were exposed, but not corrected, after previous food price spikes in 2007-8. Read the report.
In April, the US Food Sovereignty Alliance (USFSA) organized two well-attended webinar consultations as part of the renewed Nyeléni process guided by the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) an autonomous and self-organized global platform of small-scale food producers, rural workers organizations and community-based social movements whose goal is to advance Food Sovereignty. The seventy or so people who participated in the North American Nyeléni consultation calls came from a wide variety of organizations and lived experiences ranging from rural to urban, food producers from up and down the food chain, as well as eaters, faith-based and worker-centered, youth and academics, local and national organizations, Indigenous, African American, Latinx and Anglo Americans. Read more.
Recurring opportunities to support food justice organizing in Seattle:
Get to know Nurturing Roots and volunteer Sundays, 11 am - 3 pm. Drop in and out at anytime. All ages are welcome!
Get to know Beacon Food Forest by volunteering at 10am on the 3rd Saturday of every month! Check out the details for SAT June 18 here and learn more about volunteering here.
TUES JUNE 7th, 7 PM Pacific
Responding to White Supremacist Violence: Engaging Grief & Action
Presented by Bill Aal of Tools for Change (CAGJ Steering Committee member), Emily Reilly of Healing White People (CAGJ co-founder). This event will bring together an open community healing space with discussion of tangible strategies to combat white supremacy in our daily lives following recent mass shootings. We will be relying upon the modalities of the Grief Recovery Method and Anti-Racist Allyship. Free and welcome to all. Register today:
June 17 - 19
Juneteenth by It Takes a Village creates a unique, annual event space to celebrate the Black community and learn about the Black experience while sharing in the diversity of culture that makes up our neighborhoods, connecting people to services and resources they need to live their best lives while enjoying a day spent in and with community, sharing food, ideas, goods, and more.
6/17 ~ Laughing In Black @ The Lab At 1010- 7-10pm Tickets.
6/18 ~ Black Unity Showcase @ The Lab At 1010 - Doors open at 6:30pm. Tickets.
6/19 ~ 6th Annual Juneteenth Celebration @ Othello Park 11-6pm (FREE) Info and registration.
SAT June 25th, 11AM - 3PM
Clean Greens Farm & Market Block Party Style Grand Opening
It's time to kick off our produce distribution season and we want to share the day with you! Come out and join your favorite Central District farm team and help us celebrate our CSA ‘22 Season. There will be a DJ, Kids’ activities, Raffle giveaways, and Local BlackOwned businesses/vendors with amazing products. You won’t want to miss our Live Greens & Salad Demo & Tasting by our favorite local Chef, Josh Humphrey the Kitchen Mechanic. And there will be a FREE Community BBQ! 116 21st Ave Seattle, WA 98122.
SAT June 25th, 10AM – 3PM
Sustainable Ballard Edible Garden Tour
Join us for a fun walking or biking tour of neighborhood gardens, planting strips, containers, raised beds, chickens, and all sorts of creative edibles from fruit trees to berries to veggies galore. Plan to spend a day walking or biking through Ballard to discover how your neighbors raise urban fruits and vegetables. Gardeners will be on hand to answer your questions. If you’re new to gardening, we hope that you can join us to see what other gardeners in the neighborhood are doing and get some tips! More info.
July 22-24
North American Agroecology Encounter, Marshfield, VT
This event celebrates 30 years since the founding of La Vía Campesina (LVC) and 37 years of Rural Vermont! Farmers, farmworkers, agroecological educators and allies will share visions and exchange skills with counterparts from across the Northeast US, North America and beyond. For more info contact [email protected].
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